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E VI. DECLENSION. INTERROGATIVE AND RELATIVE PRONOUNS. acc. (the great majority of occurrences being masc. sing.). Otherwise it is found only twice in the inst. sing. and three or four times in the gen. dual. The forms occurring are: m. Sing. A. enam. I. enena (AV.). - Du. A. enau (AV.). G. enos (RV.), enayos (AV.). - Pl. A. enan. f. Sing. A. enim. Du. A. ene. Pl. A. enās. n. N. enad (AV.; Kh. 1v. 65). 396. Another demonstrative found nearly twenty times in the RV., but otherwise occurring only once in the AV., is the unaccented pronoun tva-² meaning 'one', 'many a one', generally repeated, in the sense of 'one- another. The forms occurring are: m. Sing. N. tvas. A. tvam. I. tvena. D. tvasmai. Pl. N. tve³. f. Sing. N. tva. D. tvasyai. n. Sing. N. tvad. a. The pronoun avá- 'this' is found two or three times in the RV., and only in the gen. du. form. avós in combination with vām, meaning of you two being such' (used like sa, e. g. sá tvám thou as such'). b. The pronoun áma-5 'this' occurs only once in the AV.: ámohám asmi (xIV. 27¹), 'this am I'. - — — 3. Interrogative Pronoun. 397. The interrogative ka-, 'who?', 'which?', 'what?' used both as sub- stantive and adjective, is quite regular in its declension, excepting the alter- native neuter form ki-m6, which instead of the pronominal -d has the nominal -m (never elsewhere attached to a stem in -i). The forms occur- ring are: m. Sing. N. kás. A. kám. I. kéna. D. kásmai. Ab. kásmāt (AV.). G. kásya. L. kásmin. Du. káu. Pl. N. ké. I. kebhis. L. kéşu (VS.). f. Sing. N. ká. A. kám. I. káyā. G. kásyis (AV. VS.). Pl. N. kás. A. kás. L. kásu. n. Sing. N. A. ká-d¹ (RV.) and ki-m. - Pl. N. A. ká and káni. 3°3 a. In forming derivatives, which are numerous, the stem of the interrogative employed is not only ka-, but also ki- and ku-; e. g. ká-ti 'how many?'; ki-yant- how great?'; kú-ha 'where?'. The neuter form kim is twice used in this way: kim-yú- ‘desiring what?'; kim-maya- 'consisting of what?'. This form occurs once (VIII, 6¹9) at the beginning of a sentence and is then accented as enám, 2 The unaccented adverb tvadānīm (MS. IV, 2²) 'sometimes', is derived from this pronoun. 3 See WHITNEY's note on AV. vIII, 9º in his translation, b. In the formation of compounds kad occurs twice as first member: in kat-payá- 'greatly swelling', and kád-artha- 'having what purpose?'. kim is similarly used a few times in the later Samhitãs; thus kim-silá- (VS. TS.) 'being in stony ground', kim-kará- (AV.) 'servant'. 4 This pronoun also occurs in the Avesta ; cp. BRUGMANN 495, 10. 5 From this pronoun are derived the inst, and abl. adverbs (with shifted accent) amá 'at home' and anắt 'from near at hand'. 6 The nom, masc. is preserved as a petri- 4. Relative Pronoun. 398. The relative pronoun ya- 'who', 'which', 'what' is perfectly regular in its declension. The forms occurring are: m. Sing. N. yás³. — A. yám. I. yénā9 and yéna. D. yásmai. Ab. yásmāt¹. G. yásya. L. yásmin. - Du. N. A. ya, yáu. D. yábhyam. G. yáyos. L. yayos and yos¹ (RV.). - Pl. N. yé. A. yán. I. yébhis, yais (AV.; Kh. 1. 92). D. yós¹¹ yébhyas. G. yéşām. L. yéşu. II fied form in ná-kis and má-kis 'no one', 'nothing', 'never'. 7 The relative frequency of kád to kim in the RV, is as 2 to 3. 8 yás is the commonest declensional form in the RV., occurring more than 1000 times, 9 yénā is twice as common in the RV. as yéna; the Pada text, however, always reads yéna (cp. LANMAN 332). 10 The ablative according to the nominal declension, yắt, is used as a conjunction. II yós for yayos, like yuvós for yuvayos; cp. BB. 23, 183; ZDMG, 50, 589.