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VI. Declension. Numerals. Cardinals.


(AV.), N. pi. m. uttare; Ab. L. sing, itttarasmat and uttarasmin beside uUarat and nttare; upara- 'lower' has upare beside uparas and uparasas in the N. pi. m.; avamd- 'lowest' has L. sing, f. avamdsyam; upamd- 'highest' has sing. L. f. upamdsyam; paramd- 'farthest' has sing. f. G. paramdsyas and ,. paratndsyam ( + VS.); madhyamd- 'middlemost' has sing. L.f. madhyamdsyam.

b. A few other adjectives with a comparative or pronominal sense have occasional pronominal endings. Thus jooz-a- 'ulterior' has sing.D. m.pdrasmaz (A v.), Ab. m. pdrasmat ( + AV. VS.), G. f. pdrasyas, G. pi. m. pdremm; L. sing. m. pdrasmiti beside pdre and N. pi. m. pdre beside pdrasas. purva- 'prior' has sing. m. D. pArvasmai, Ab. pArvasmat^ G. pi. iji. purvesam, f. piirvasam ; and the N. pi. m. piirve is very common beside the very rare pArvasas. nema- 'other' ^ has m. L. sing, nemasmin, N. pi. ne'me, but N. sing. n. ne'marti and G. pi. m. nemanam (unaccented), svi- 'own', otherwise following the nominal declension has once sing. G.f. svdsyas and once L.n.svdsmm. samand- 'similar', 'common', has once Ab. sing. n. samandsmat beside samandt.

c. A few adjectives which are numerical in form or meaning have occasional pronominal forms; ikms, prathamd- 'first', has G. sing. f. prathamdsyas (AV.); trtiya- 'third' has L. sing. f. trttyasyam' (AV.); I'lbhaya- 'of both kinds' has m. pi. G. I'lbhayesam, and N. I'lbhaye beside ubhayasas and iibhayas^; kevala- 'exclusive' has once N. pi. m. kevale.

III. Numerals.

Benfey, VoUsiandige Grammatik 764 — 771. — Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar 475 — 488. — Cp. Brugmann, kg. 441 — 451.

404. The series of the numerals is based on the decimal system of reckoning. The names of the first ten cardinals, which are of an adjectival character, form the foundation of the rest either by compounding or derivation; the ordinals and numerical adverbs being further derived from the correspond- ing cardinals.

A. Cardinals.

405. The names of the fir§,t ten cardinals are: eka- 'one'; dvd- 'two'; tri- 'three'; cati'ir- 'four'; pdnca 'five'; sds- 'six'; saptd 'seven'; add 'eight'; ndva 'nine'; ddsa 'ten'.

a. The numbers intermediate between 'ten' and 'twenty' are Dvandva compounds formed by prefixing the accented unit to ddsa 'ten': eka-dasa'* ('one and ten') 'eleven'; dvd-dasa^ 'twelve'; trdyo-dasa<r6> (AV. VS. TS.) 'thirteen'; cdtur-dasa<r7> 'fourteen'; pdnca-dasa 'fifteen'; s6-dasa<r8> (VS. TS.) 'sixteen'; saptd-dasa (TS.) 'seventeen'; astA-dasa (TS.) 'eighteen'; ndva-dasa (VS.) 'nineteen'.

b. The remaining cardinals are substantives. The names of the decades from 'twenty' to 'ninety' are either old Dvandva compounds or derivatives formed with the suffix -ti. They are vim-sad- 'twenty'; trim-sdt 'thirty';

1 Cp. Neisser, BB. 30, 303.

« The pronominal endings are recognized as alternative in the later language as regards dvidya- and trtiya-; the Bjfhaddevata (vili. 95) has pratkamasydm as well as dvifiyasyam.

3 iibhd- 'both' is declined in the dual only : N. A. m. ubha and ubhau, f. ubhc, I. ubhabhyam (once in RV.), G. ubhdyos (twice in RV,).

4 With ckd- for eka- under the influence of dvd-dasa.

5 Here the N. m. du. form dvd is retained instead of the stem form dva-.

6 In this and other numeral compounds the N. m. plural form remains in every case ; e. g. tan . . . irdyas-trimsatam a vaha (l, 452) 'bring those thirty-three',

7 As first member of a compound catur- is regularly accented cdttir-,

8 For sas-dasa, see above 43, b, 3; 56, b.
