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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. catvarim-sát 'forty'; pañca-śát 'fifty'; sas-ti- 'sixty'; sapta-ti- 'seventy'; así-ti- 'eighty'; nava-ti- 'ninety'. The last four are abstract fem. nouns derived from the simple cardinal (except aśī-ti-)¹ and meaning originally 'hexad etc. (of tens)'. The others are fem. compounds, the first member of which is ‘two', 'three', 'four', or 'five', and the second a remnant of the IE. word for 'ten'; thus trim-sát meant 'three tens'. vimsati- was probably in origin an old dual of this formation which ended in -ī but was transformed by the influence of şaştí- etc. to a singular fem. in -ti 2. c. The numbers intermediate between these decades are Dvandva compounds formed by prefixing the accented unit to the decade; thus aștá- vimšati- (VS.) 'twenty-eight'; éka-trimśat (VS.) ‘thirty-one'; tráyas-trimsat 'thirty- three'; náva-catvārimsat (TS.) 'forty-nine'; náva-şaști- (TS.) 'sixty-nine'; návāšīti- (TS.) ‘eighty-nine'; páñca-navati- (TS.) ‘ninety-five'; sán-ṇavatì- (TS.) 'ninety-six'; așțá-navati- (TS.) 'ninety-eight'. 308 one not' - = a. In the TS., the number preceding a decade is also expressed by ékän ná 'by 'minus one'; thus ékān ná vimšati 'twenty less one' 'nineteen'; ékān ná catvārimśát 'thirty-nine'; ékan ná şaştí- 'fifty-nine';. ékan násīti- 'seventy-nine'; ékān ná šatám 'a hundred less one', 'ninety-nine'³. p. Intermediate numbers may also be expressed by adding together unit and decade with or without ca; e. g. náva ca navatím ca ‘ninety and nine'; navatím náva 'ninety-nine'. d. The numbers expressing ‘a hundred' and its multiples are satá- '100'; sahásra- '1000'; a-yúta- (AV. TS.) '10 000'; ni-yúta- (TS.; Kh. Iv. 12³) '100000'; pra-yúta- (VS. TS.) '1 000 000'; árbuda- (TS.; Kh. Iv. 128) '10 000 000'; nyàrbuda- (AV. VS. TS.) '100000000¹4. a. Intermediate numbers are compounded in the same way with fatá- as with the preceding decades; e. g. éka-śatam ‘a hundred and one'; cátuḥ-śatam ‘a hundred and four'; trimśác-chatam a hundred and thirty'. p. Multiples may be expressed in two ways. Either the larger number is put in the dual or plural multiplied by the smaller one used adjectivally; e. g. dvé šaté (vii, 1822) 'two hundred'; şaştím sahásrā (VI. 266) 'sixty thousand'; trini šatá trí sahásrāṇi trimśác ca náva ca (III. 99) 'three thousand three hundred and thirty-nine'. Or the multiplier may be prefixed to the larger number, forming with it a possessive compound accented on the final syllable; e. g. tráyastrimsat trišatáḥ satsahasráḥ (AV.) 'six thousand three hundred and thirty-three'. Numbers below a hundred are sometimes used multiplicatively in these two ways; e. g. navatir náva (1. 84¹3) ‘ninë nineties': = 'eight hundred and ten'; tri-saftá- 5 'thrice seven'; tri-navá- (VS.) 'having thrice nine'. = Inflexion. 406. With regard to their inflexion, which in many respects is peculiar, the cardinals may be divided into three groups. a. The first group comprises the first four numerals. These are the only cardinals which, like other adjectives, distinguish the genders. They also distinguish the numbers as far as the sense admits: éka- 'one', while inflected chiefly in the singular, forms a plural also in the sense of 'some'; dvá- 'two' is of course inflected in the dual only; and tri- 'three' and catúr- 'four' in the plural only. I. éka- is declined like the second group of pronominal adjectives6. The only form of the abl. sing. 3 met with follows the nominal declension, 1 as is radically related to aştáu, cp. 56, a. 2 Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 443, 1. 3 In the TS. (B.) are also met with ékasmān ná pañcāśát and ékasyai ná pañcāśát (VII. 4. 7³) 'forty-nine': WHITNEY 477, b. 4 In TS. VII, 220 these numerals, followed | inst, trisaptáis. by samudrá-, mádhya-, ánta-, parardhá-, occur 6 See above 403, 2. in succession: we may infer from the first few that each successive number is equal to ten times the preceding one; cp. WHITNEY 475, c. The contents of TS. VII, 2, 11-20 are almost entirely numerals. 5 Inflected according to the a- declension: