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VI. DECLENSION. NUMERALS. CARDINALS. 309 viz. ékāt, used in the compound numerals ékän ná trimśát 'twenty-nine' etc. occurring in the TS. A single dual case, from éka- in the sense of a certain', appears in éke yuvatí (AV. x. 742) 'a certain pair of maidens'. The forms to be found in the Samhitās are: m. sing. N. ékas. A. ékam. I. ékena. G. ékasya. L. ékasmin; pi. N. éke. D. ékebhyas. f. N. ékā. A. ékām. I. ékayā. G. ikasyās; du. N. éke (AV.); pl. N. ékās (AV.). n. N. sing. ékam; pl. ékā. 2. dvá- 'two', declined in the dual only, is quite regular. The forms occurring are: m. N. dvá, dváu. I. dvábhyam. G. dváyos. L. dvdyos. f. N. dvé. I. dvábhyām. n. N. dvé. L. dváyos. — a. The dual form dvd is retained in the first member of the numeral compound dvá-daśa 'twelve'. Otherwise dvi- is used as the stem of dva- in derivation, c. g. dvi-dhā 'twofold'; and as the first member of compounds, c. g. dvi-pád- 'biped'. - 3. The cardinal tri- 'three' is, in the masc. and neut., inflected like a regular i stem. The fem. stem is tis-: the gen. pl. is once (v. 69²) written tisrnám (though the is actually long metrically). The forms occurring are: m. N. tráyas. A. trin. I. tribhís. D. tribhyás. G. trinám. L. trisú. f. N. tisrás. A. tisrás. I. tisýbhis. D. tisýbhyas. G. tisrnám. L. tisíşu. n. N. A. trí, trini. a. The stem used in derivation and compounding is regularly tri-, e. g. tri-dhā 'in three ways'; tri-pád- 'three-footed'. But tr- appears in tr-tá- (AV.) 'third', as a N., and in the secondary ordinal tr-t-iya- 'third'; and in numeral compounds trim appears in trim-sát 'thirty', and tráyas in tráyo-daśa 'thirteen', and tráyas-trimšat 'thirty-three'. 4. catúr- 'four' has the stem catvár- in the strong forms of the masc. and neut. In the gen. it has the peculiarity of taking n before the ending ām, though the stem ends in a consonant ³. The fem. stem is cátasy-, which is inflected like tist- and shifts its accent like páñca. The forms occurring are: m. N. catváras. A. catúras. I. catúrbhis. D. catúrbhyas (AV.). G. caturṇám+. f. N. cátasras. A. cátasras. I. catasýbhis5. n. N. A. catvári. - a. The stem used in derivation and compounding is regularly catur-; e. g. catur- dhá in four ways'; cátur-daśa 'fourteen'; cátus-pad-6 four-footed'. But it is once catvārim- (from the n. pl.) in the numeral compound catvārimśát 'forty'. b. The second group, comprising the cardinals from 'five' to 'nineteen', though used adjectivally, does not distinguish gender, and takes no ending in the nom. and acc. These numerals also share the same peculiarities of accentuation 7. 5. N. A. páñca 'five'. I. pañcábhis. D. pañcábhyas. L. pañcásu. 6. sás- 'six': N. A. sát. I. sadbhís. D. şadbhyás8. I See above 12, 13; cp. BENFEY, Vedica und Verwandtes 4. 7. N. A. saptá 'seven'. I. saptábhis. D. Ab. saptábhyas. G. saptanám. 8. That the cardinal for 'eight' was an old dual is indicated by its forms in the N. A. aștá, aștáu and in the only other cases occurring, I. astă- bhís, D. asta-bhyás (TS.). According to the analysis of the Pada text in a late passage of the RV. (x. 27¹5), astóttaráttut contains the N. astá, doubt- less because it is preceded by saptá and followed by náva and dása. 2. On the accentuation, see 94, 2 a. 3 It shares this peculiarity with şan-nám, the gen, plur, of sás-, which however does not seem to occur in any of the Samhitās. 4 With accent on the final syllable like the genitives of páñca etc. 5 G. catarnám and L, catassu occur in B. a. The stem used in compounding has mostly the dual form aștā; thus asta-pad- 'eight-footed', aştá-vandhura- 'eight-seated' 10; aştá-daša- (TS.) 'eighteen', asta-vimśá- (AV.) 6 On the Sandhi, see above 78. 7 That is, of accenting -á before the ter- minations -bhis, -bhyas, -su, and the final syllable in the gen. See above, 93. 8 Cp. note 3. 9 Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 441, 8. 10 These are the only two occurrences in the RV., for in aṣṭa-karná- (x. 627) the first member is doubtless a past participle.