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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. 'twenty-eightfold', aștá-cakra- (AV.) ‘eight-wheeled', aștá-paksa- (AV.) ‘eight-sideď’, aṣṭā-yogá- (AV.) 'yoke of eight'. The form asta- begins to appear in the AV. in the derivative aşta-dhá in eight ways'; and in the compounds asta-kŕtvas ‘eight times', astá-yoni- 'having eight wombs', asta-vysá- 'eight times chief'. 310 9. N. A. náva 'nine'. I. navábhis. D. navábhyas (TS.). G. navanām. 10. N. A. dása 'ten'. I. dasábhis. D. daśábhyas (TS.). G. daśānám. L. daśásu. II. N. A. ékādaśa ‘eleven'. D. ekādaśábhyas (TS.). 12. N. A. dvádaśa 'twelve. D. dvadaśábhyas (TS.). 13. N. A. tráyodaśa 'thirteen'. I. trayodaśábhis (TS.). D. trayodasábhyas (TS.). 14. N. A. cáturdaśa 'fourteen'. D. caturdaśábhyas (TS.). 15. N. A. páñcadaśa 'fifteen'. D. pañcadaśábhyas (TS.). 16. N. A. sídasa (VS.) 'sixteen'. D. soḍaśábhyas (TS.). 17. 18. The N. of the cardinals for 'seventeen' and 'eighteen' does not seem to occur in Mantras. D. saptadaśábhyas (TS.); aṣṭādaśábhyas (TS.). 19. N. A. návadaśa (VS.) 'nineteen'. I. navadaśábhis (VS.). D. ékan ná vimśatyái (TS.). c. The third group of cardinals, comprising the numbers from 'twenty' onwards, are substantives inflected regularly according to the declension of the stem final; e. g. N. vimšatí-s 'twenty', A. vimsatí-m, I. viņśaty-á; N. trimśát 'thirty', A. trimśát am, I. trimśát-ã, L. trimsát-i. The decades 'twenty' to 'ninety' and their compounds are fem. and nearly always inflected in the sing.; but if the sense requires it they may be used in the plural; e. g. náva navatih 'nine nineties'; navānám navatinám (1. 191¹3) 'of nine nineties'. a. satá- ‘a hundred' and sahásra- 'a thousand' are neuters, which may be declined in all numbers; e. g. avé saté 'two hundred'; saptá šatáni seven hundred'. Syntactical employment of the Cardinals. 407. a. The numerals from 'one' to 'nineteen' are used adjectivally; e. g. tráyo vīráḥ (111.56*) 'three heroes'; saptábhiḥ putráiḥ (x.72⁹) 'with seven sons'; jánesu pañcásu (III. 37⁹) ‘among the five races'. The bare stem (in the numerals of the second group) is, however, sometimes used in the oblique cases; e. g. saptá hótrbhiḥ (III. 104) 'with seven priests'; ádhi pánca krstisu (II. 2¹0) 'over the five tribes'. a. Exceptionally these numerals are, however, to be met with governing a genitive; e. g. dása kalášānām (IV. 3219) 'ten jars'. b. The third group of nurnerals (from 'twenty' upwards), as singular substantives, is treated in two ways. 1. They may govern a genitive; e. g. pañcaśátam áśvanam (v.185) 'fifty horses'; sastím áśvānām (VIII.46²) ‘sixty horses'; šatám gónām (1. 126²) ‘a hundred kine'. So also when satá- and sahásra- are in the du. or pl.; e. g. gávam satáni (VII. 103¹) 'hundreds of kine'; sahásrāṇi gávām (VIII. 51²) ‘thousands of kine'. 2. They may, remaining singular, agree in case with the following plural, being then used adjectivally (not appositionally, because they always precede the substantive in this use); e. g. trimśád deváh (II. 99) 'thirty gods'; trimsátam yíjanāni (1. 123³) 'thirty leagues'; trimśáta háribhiḥ (11. 185) 'with thirty bays'; saténa háribhiḥ (11. 186) ‘with a hundred bays'; šatám púraḥ (IV. 27¹) 'a hundred forts'; sahásram hárayaḥ (Iv.463) 'a thousand bays'. The following word, agreeing with sahásra-, may be in the singular as a collective; thus súnas cic chépam níditam sahásrād yupād amuñcaḥ (v. 27) Sunahsepa, who was bound, thou didst release from a thousand posts'. a. śatá- and sahásra- have, in their adjectival use, the peculiarity of sometimes either being put in the plural themselves or retaining the N. A. neuter sing. form (like páñca) when in agreement with an inst. pl.; c. g. šatā púraḥ (1.53³) ‘a hundred forts'; sahásrany