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VI. DECLENSION. NUMERALS. ORDINALS. DERIVATIVES. 311 ádhirathani (x. 989) a thousand wagonloads'; šatám purbhiḥ (VI. 488) with a hundred forts'; sahásram sibhiḥ (1. 189³) 'with a thousand seers'. ß. The numeral pronouns káti 'how many?', táti 'so many', yáti 'as many', remain nninflected in agreement with nominatives and accusatives plural, which are the only cases found occurring with them in the Samhitās ¹. B. Ordinals. 408. The ordinals, being all adjectives ending in -a, are declined throughout in the masc. and neut. according to the nominal a-declension. The feminine is formed with -72, except in the first four, which take -ā, viz. prathama-³, dvitiyā-, tṛtiyā-³, turíya (TS.). The ordinals may best be divided into four groups according to the formation of their stems. I. The ordinals from 'first' to 'tenth' are formed with various suffixes, viz. (-t)-iya, -tha, -thamá, -má, the first four in a somewhat irregular manner. a. pra-thamá- 'first' was doubtless formed from pra- with the superlative suffix -tama, meaning 'foremost', the initial of the suffix being probably changed under the influence of other ordinals formed with -tha (sasthá-, etc.). b. The next three ordinals are formed with the suffix -iya: dvit-iya- 'second', trt-iya- 'third', secondarily through dvi-tá- 'second', and tr-tá- 'third', both used as names; tur-iya- 'fourth' for *ktur-iya- (beside catur-thá-). The latter when used in the fractional sense is accented túriya- (AV.) ‘quarter'5. c. The ordinal for ‘sixth', besides the alternative forms for 'fourth' and 'seventh', is formed with tha: sas-thá- (AV. VS.), catur-thá- (AV. VS.), saptá-tha- (RV.). d. The ordinals for 'fifth' and 'seventh' to 'tenth' are formed with -ma: pañca-má- (AV. VS.), sapta-má- (VS.) beside saptá-tha-, aşta-má-, nava-má-, daśa-má-. 2. The stems of the ordinals for 'seventh' to 'nineteenth' are the same as those of the cardinals, except that they are accented on the final syllable. In inflexion they differ from the cardinals in following the ordinary nominal a declension; thus from ekādaśá- ‘eleventh' are formed: sing. m. A. ekādaśám; pl. N. ekadaśásaḥ, A. ekadaśán, I. ekadaśáis. 3. The ordinals for twentieth' to 'ninetieth' (including their com- pounds) seem, judged by some three examples met with in the Samhitās (and some four others in B.), to have been abbreviated forms of the car- dinals, ending in -á: eka-vimśá- 'twenty-first' (B.) 'consisting of twenty-one' (VS.), catvāriņśá- (RV.) ‘fortieth', aṣṭā-catvārimśá-(VS.) 'forty-eighth'; catus-trimśá- (B.) 'thirty-fourth', dva-pañcaśá- (B.) 'fifty-second', eka-sastá- (B.) 'sixty-first'. 4. The ordinals for 'hundredth' and 'thousandth' are formed with the superlative suffix -tama: śata-tamá-; but sahasra-tamá- has been noted in B. passages only (TS. SB.). C. Numeral Derivatives. 409. A number of derivatives, chiefly adverbs, are formed from the cardinals. a. There are a few multiplicative adjectives derived with the suffixes -a, -ya, -taya, -vaya; thus tray-á 'threefold' (from tri-); dva-ya- 'twofold'; dáśa-taya 'tenfold'; cátur-vaya- 'fourfold'. b. Multiplicative adverbs are formed in three different ways. 'Once' | 4 Cp. the adverbial acc. pra-tamám (B.) ¹ Cp. DELBRÜCK 50. 2 Inflected like stems in derivative -ī: 377. | 'specially'. See BRUGMANN, KG. 447, 1. 3 Both prathamá- and trtiya- have one 5 Similarly in B, passages cáturtha- quarter', form each according to the pronominal de- tŕtiya- 'third'. clension in the AV. (403, 3, c),