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VII. Verb. Present System. 335

viydmana- {PiS[.), sasydmana-, skydmana-, srjydmana-, stuydmana-, hanydmana- {KS[ himsydmana-, huydmana- {hu- 'call'); from the causative of Ybhaj-:bh3jyd- mana- (AV. xit. 428).

Imperfect Indicative.

448. Sing. 3. aiiiyata, dmucyata, aricyata. — PL 3. dtapyanta (AV. TS.), afacyanta, aprcyanta, dsicyanta (AV.)j acyanta.

b. The second or graded conjugation.

449. The chief characteristic of this conjugation is vowel gradation in the base[1] consequent on shift of accent. The base has a strong grade vowel in the singular indicative (present and imperfect) active, throughout the subjunctive, and in the 3. sing, imperative active. Minor peculiarities are: I. loss of n in the endings of the 3. pi. mid. {-ate, -ata, -atrini) ; 2. formation of the 2. sing, imperative active with a suffix, generally -dhi; 3. vowel gradation in the modal suffix of the optative (act. -ya; mid. -i); 4. formation of the middle participle with -ana.

a. The second conjugation comprises five distinct classes falling into two main groups in which α) the vowel of the root (simple or reduplicated) is graded; β) the vowel of the suffix (nearly always containing a nasal) is graded.

α. I. The root class.

450. The base is formed by the root itself, to which the personal endings are directly attached (in the subjunctive and optative with the inter- vening modal suffix). The radical vowel is accented and takes Guna in the strong forms. More than a hundred roots are comprised in this class[2].

a. A good many irregularities are met with in this class, with regard to both the base and the endings, 1. Vrddhi is taken in the strong forms by mrf- 'wipe' (e. g. mā͏́ arj-mt), and before consonants by roots ending in -u, i. e. by ksnu- 'whet', nu- 'praise', yu- 'unite' (AV.), stu- 'praise'; e. g. stáu-mi[3], á-slau-l[4], but d-stav-am. — z. The Guna vowel, along with the accent, is retained in the root of si- 'lie' (middle) throughout the weak forms; e.g. sing. I. say-e, 2. si-se. In the 3. pi. this verb at the same time inserts r before the endings: si-rate, si-re (AV.), si-ralam, d-se-rata, d-se-ran^. — 3. Several roots form a base with the connecting vowel / or z' 6 before consonant endings. The roots an-^ 'breathe', rud-^ 'weep', vam 'vomit', svas- 'blow', svap-'^ 'sleep' insert / before all terminations beginning with a consonant, except in 2. 3. impf., where they insert J: e. g. dni-H, anl-i; avamT-t; svasi-ti. The roots id- 'praise' and is- 'rule' add i in some forms of the 2. pers. middle; tdi-sva; isi-se (beside tk-se), isi-dkve. The 3. pi. tsi-re is, owing to its accent ^o, probably to be accounted a present rather than a perfect i'. Occasional (imperative sing.) forms with connecting i from other roots also occur: jdni-sva 'be born', vasi-sva 'clothe', snalhi-hi 'pierce', stani-hi 'thunder'. The root brii- 'speak' regularly inserts i in the strong forms before terminations beginning with consonants; e. g. brdvl-mi. The same i also appears in the form tavT-ti from tii- 'be strong'; in am'i-si and in the TS. '* amJ-ti, ami-sva, dniT-i from am- 'injure'; and in saml-sva (VS.), from sam-

  • r5 There are some transfer forms according to the a- conjugation from the stem śáy-a-, including the isolated active form áśayat, which is common. Nearly a dozen roots besides śī- retain the accent on the radical syllable throughout. See 97, 2 a.
  • r6 This ī is, however, in reality originally part of a dissyllabic base: cp. Brugmann, KG. 212, 2.
  • r7 The AV. has also forms according to the a- conjugation: ána-ii, etc.
  • r8 The RV. has no such forms from rud- and sva.
  • r9 The AV., however, has the form svap-tu.
  • r10 See 97, 2 a and 484.
  • r11 The 3. sing. impf. of this verb is in the MS. aiśa (like aduha), cp. Whitney 630.
  • r12 Whitney 634.
  1. Cp. Brugmann, kg. 211.
  2. Several roots of this class show transfers to the a- conjugation: cp. Whitney 625a.
  3. The RV. has once 2. sing, sto-ṣi (X. 224), a form which Avery 275 takes to be a 3. sing. aor. pass, injunctive.
  4. Vṛddhi on the other hand once appears even in the weak form 3. pi. impf. anāvan. On the Vṛddhi in these verbs, cp. v. Negelein 10 a.