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336 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. 'labour'. 4. A few roots undergo peculiar shortenings in the weak forms: as 'be' loses its vowel ¹ (except where protected by the augment) ², e. g. s-más 'we are'; han-3 'slay' in the weak forms loses its n before terminations beginning with consonants (ex- cept m, y or z), but syncopates its a before terminations beginning with vowels, when h reverts to the original guttural gh-; e. g. ha-thá, but hanyáma; ghn-ánti, part. ghn-ánt-; the root vas- 'be eager', takes Samprasāraṇa; e. g. 1. pl. us-mási, part. us-āná-4, but I. sing. vás-mi. The root vas- 'clothe' similarly takes Samprasarana once in the participle uş-āṇá- (beside the usual vásāna-). 5. With regard to endings, the root sās- 'order' loses the n in the 3. pl. active (as well as middle) and in the participle, being treated like roots of the reduplicating class (457)5: 3. pl. impv. sas-atu (TS.), part. sás-at-6. The root duh- 'milk' is very anomalous in its endings: middle impv. 3. sing. duh-ắm, 3. pl. duh-rám and duh-ratam; ind. 3. pl. mid. duh-ré and duh-ráte beside the regular duh-até (with irregular accent); active imperf. 3. sing. á-duh-a-t³ beside á-dhok, 3. pl. a-duh-ran beside á-duk-an and duh-ur; and in the 3. opt. the entirely anomalous sing. duh-i-yát (RV.) and pl. duh- iyán (RV.) (for duh-yát and duh-yúr). - Present Indicative. 451. A final or prosodically short medial radical vowel takes Guna in the singular; elsewhere it remains unchanged, excepting the changes of final vowels required by internal Sandhi, and the irregular shortenings mentioned above (450, a 4). The ordinary endings are added directly to the root. But the 3. sing. mid. ends in -e nearly as often as in -te; and anomalous endings appear in the 3. persons of the roots is, duh-, sas-, si-¹¹1 IO II The forms actually occurring would, if made from i- 'go' and brū- 'speak', be as follows: Active. Sing. 1. é-mi. 2. é-şi. 3. é-ti. Du. 2. i-thás. 3. i-tás. Pl. 1. i-mási and i-más. 2. i-tha and i-thána. 3. y-ánti. Middle. Sing. 1. bruv-é. 2. bru-sé. 3. bru-té and bruv-é. bruv-athe. 3. bruv-áte. Pl. 1. brū-máhe. 2. bru-dhve. 3. bruv-áte. The forms which actually occur are the following: Active. Sing. 1. ádmi, ásmi, émi, kṣṇaumi, dvéṣmi (AV.), pāmi ‘protect', márjmi, yámi, yaumi (AV.) ‘join', vaśmi, vāmi, śāsmi (AV.), staumi (AV. TS.), hanmi, harmi. With connecting 7-: brávimi. 2. átsi, ási, ési, kársi (AV.), cakṣi (= *cakṣ-și), chantsi (Vchand-), dárşi (dr- 'pierce'), párși (pr- ‘pass’), pási ('protect'), bhási, yási, vakṣi (vaš- 'desire'), véși (√vī-), šāssi, sátsi, stoși ¹², hámsi. With imperative sense ¹: ksési (ksi- ‘dwell'), jési, jósi (= *jos-și : jus- ‘enjoy'), dársi, dhákşi (dah- 'burn'), nakşi (nas 'attain'), nési, pársi, prasi, bhaksi (bhaj- 'divide'), matsi, māsi, yákşi (yaj- 'sacrifice'), yámsi (yam- 'reach'), yāsi, yótsi (yudh- ‘fight), rátsi (rad- ‘dig'), rási, váksi (vah- 'carry'), véși (√vī-), śróși, sakṣi (sah- 'prevail'), sátsi, hoşi (hu- 'sacrifice'). With connecting 7-: amīși, brávīsi. — ¹ It is, however, preserved in an altered form in the 2. sing. impv. act.: e-dhi for

  • az-dhi (62, 4, 6, p. 57). This verb has the

further anomalies of losing its in the 2. sing. pres. a-si, and in inserting in the 2. 3. sing. impf. ásī-s, ásī-t. It has no middle. 2 Cp. V. NEGELEIN 83; VAN WIJK, IF. 18, 59. 3 Limited to the active in this conjugation in the RV. 4 The only middle form. 5 There are also some transfer forms according to the conjugation: 3. sing. śásati. dās- 'worship' the part. In the middle participle the h of the root reverts to the guttural gh: dúgh-ana-. 6 Similarly from dáš-at-. - Du. 2. 8 Transfer to the a- conjugation. The MS. has further anomalous end- ings in the imperf. mid.: 3. sing. a-duh-a and 3. pl. a-duh-ra, probably as parallel to the present duhe and duhre: WHITNEY 635. 10 Excepting the few forms of roots which may take connecting ¿ or 7 (450, a 3). ¹1 See above 450, a 2, 3, 5; cp. JOHANSSON, KZ. 32, 512; NEISSER, BB. 20, 74. 12 See 450, a 1, note ³. 13 Some of these have no corresponding root present or root aorist; cp. WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 624; BARTHOLOMAE, IF. 2,271; NEISSER, BB. 7, 230 ff., 20, 70 ff.; BRUG- MANN, IF. 18, 72; DELBRÜCK, Verbum 30; Syntaktische Forschungen 5, 209.