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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. pipṛthá, bibhṛthá. 3. jahati, jighrati (AV.), júhvati, dádati, dádhati³, dīdyati² (AV.), piprati, bapsati (Vbhas-), bibhrati 3, sáścati. Middle. Sing. 1. juhvé, dadé (AV. TS.), dadhé, mime. 2. datse (AV.), dhatsé. 3- jihite, juhuté, dattét, dhattés, mímite, sisite; with -e: dadhé (+ AV.). Du. 1. dádvahe.- 2. dadháthe. - 3. jihäte, dadháte7, mimate8 (v. 826). Pl. 1. dádmahe, mimīmahe (AV.). 2. jihīdhve (AV.). 3. jihate, dadhate, mimate ('measure'), sisrate. 342 - Present Subjunctive. 459. Active. Sing. 1. dadhani, bibharaṇi (TS. I. 5. 10¹). — 2. juhuras, dádas, dadhas, dīdhyas (AV.), vivesas. 3. píprati; dadat, dádhat, didayat, dīdāyat ¹0 (AV.), babhasat, bibharat (AV.), yuyávat 'separate'. IO vivyak. Du. 2. dádhathas, bapsathas (Kh. 1. 11¹). Pl. I. jahama, juhavāma, dadhama. — 3. dádan (AV.), dádhan, yuyavan. Middle. Sing." 2. dádhase. 3. dádhate; with -tai dadātai (AV.). Du. I. dadhāvahai (TS. 1. 5. 10¹). Pl. I. dadāmahe. 3. juhuranta ¹². — Present Injunctive. Active. Sing. 2. dadās (AV.), bibhes (AV.). - Pl. 1. yuyoma ¹³ (AV.). Middle. Sing. 2. juhurthas (√hvr-). 3. jíhīta. Pl. 3. sascata. — — I Also the transfer form dádhanti. 2 Regarded by DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 1333, as an intensive. 3 There is also a transfer form mimanti 'bellow'. 4 Also the transfer form dadate. 5 Also the transfer form dadhate. 6 There is also the transfer form rarate from Vra-. 7 Also the transfer form dadhele (AV.). 8 By AVERY 2374 given as 3. sing. sub- unctive middle. Present Optative ¹4. Active. Sing. 2. mimīyās (x. 56²). —— 3. jahyāt's (ŚA. xII. 11); juhuyắt (AV.), dadyāt (AV.), bibhīyāt, bibhṛyāt, mamanyāt, mimīyāt (mā- 'measure'). Du. 3. yuyuyátām. Pl. 1. juhuyáma.. - 3. jahyur¹5 (AV.). Middle. Sing. 3. dádhīta and dadhītá. Pl. 1. dadīmahi, dadhimahi. 3. dadiran. 9 TS. 1. 5. 10, III. I. 8² has the transfer form dádante. 10 Pp. didayat; see WHITNEY's note on AV. III. 8³. - Present Imperative. 460. Active. Sing. 1. jáhāni (AV.). - 2. daddhi, piprgdhi (Vprc.), mamaddhí, mamandhi, yuyodhi, vividdhi (√vis-), śiśadhi. — With -hi: cikīhi (ci- ‘note', AV.), didīhí and dīdihí ( √ dī-), dehí (√ dā-), dhehí, piprhí, bibhṛhi (AV. TS.), mimīhi (mā- 'measure'), rirīhí ¹ (√rā-), śiśīhí. — With -tāt: jahītāt (AV.), dattāt, dhattāt, pipṛtāt (TS. IV. 4. 12¹). 3. ciketu (TS.III. 3.115), jáhātu, jigātu, juhotu (TS. 111. 3. 10¹), dádātu, dádhātu, pípartu ('fill' and ‘pass’), bibhartu (AV.TS.), mimātu, yayastu, yuyotu, śiśātu, siṣaktu. - - - 3. jigāt, dadāt (AV.), 11 śaśvacái (RV. III. 33¹⁰) is probably sing. I perfect subj. (p. 361); but occurring beside the aorist form namsai, it may be an aorist, to which tense WHITNEY, Roots, doubtfully assigns it. 12 dīdayante (AV. XVIII. 373) is perhaps a subjunctive. 13 With the strong base yuyo- for yuyu-. 14 AVERY 241 gives here several forms which it is better to class as optatives per- fect. 15 With weak base jah-, for jahi-, which here loses its final vowel like dadā- and dadhā-. 16 The only form in which Vrā- reduplicates with i.