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VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. Du. 2. jahītam (AV.), jigātam, dattám, dhattám, piprtám, mimītám, yuyutám and yuyotam*, śiśītám, sisṛtam. -3. cikitām (ci- ‘note', AV.), dattām, dhattám, piprtám, bibhṛtám, mimītām, śiśītām. Pl. 2. tyarta 2, jahīta (AV.), jigāta, juhuta and juhóta 3, dattá and dádāta, dhattá and dádhata³, ninikta (√nij-), pipykta, piprtá, bibhīta (AV.), bibhṛtá (TS. IV. 2.3¹), yuyóta, sisita, sisakta; jigatana, juhitana³, dadatana, dhattana and dádhatanas, pipartana, bibhītana, mamattána, yuystana', vivaktana. 3. dadatu (AV.), dadhatu 7. Middle. Sing. 2. jihisva, datsva (AV.), dhatsva, mimişva (AV.), rarasva (AV.). - 3. jihītām8. Du. 2. jihāthām (TS. I. 1. 12¹), dīdhīthām (AV.), mimāthām, rarātḥām. Pl. 2. juhudhvam (TS. Iv. 6. 15), raridhvam. 3. jihatām, dadhatām, sisratām (Kh. I. 36). Present Participle. 461. Active. Active. As the suffix -ant drops its n (like the endings of the 3. pl. act.) strong and weak stem are not distinguished. The feminine stem of course lacks n also; e. g. bibhrat-i-. Stems occurring are: cikyat- (ci- 'note') ⁹, jáhat-, jigat-, júhvat-, titrat- (tr- 'cross'), dádat, dádhat-, dídyat-, didhyat-, bápsat-, bíbhyat-, bíbhrat-, saścát- ('pursuer') and sáścat-¹ ('helping'), sisrat-¹¹ Middle. jihana-, júhvana-, dádana-, dádhana-, didyana-, didyāna-, dídhyāna-, pipāna- (pā- 'drink', AV.) and pipāná-“², pípyāna-¹³ (√pī-), mimāna-, rárāṇa-¹, śíśāna-. ¹ With strong base yuyo- for yuyu-. 2 With strong base iyar- for *iyr-; cp. V. NEGELEIN 654 f. Imperfect Indicative. 462. All the verbs of this class occurring in the 3. pl. act. take the ending ur except bhr-, which has the normal an. The verbs da-, dha-, ha- show the irregularity (appearing elsewhere also) of using the strong instead of the weak base in the 2. pl. act. Active. Sing. I. adadam, adadham. 2. ádadās, ádadhãs ¹5, ádīdes, ávires (Vvis-); bibhes (AV.), vivés (Vvis), sisas. 3. aciket (Vci-), ájahat, ajigāt, ádadāt, ádadhāt, ádīdet, ábibhar, abibhet, ávivyak ¹7, aśiśāt; vivés (√vis-). Du. 2. adattam, adhattam. 3. áviviktām, ámimātām (AV.) 18. Pl. 2. ádadāta ¹9, ádadhata 19 and ádhatta; ájahatana ¹9, ádattana. 3. abibhran; ajahur, ájuhavur, adadur, adadhur, ámamadur, avivyacur; jahur, dadur, didhyur (AV.), vivyacur. Middle. Sing. 2. ádhatthās, ámimīthās; adatta, adhatta, ápiprata 20, ámimīta; śiśīta. 3 With strong base for weak. 4 Strong base dáda- for dad-. 5 Strong base dádha- for dadh-. 6 Strong base pípar- for pipr -. Also the transfer form dadhantu. 8 There is also the 3. sing. transfer form dadatām. 9 cikyat (IV. 38¹), nom. sing, m., is given by v. NEGELEIN 772 as cikyat and explained as a pluperfect form. ro When compounded with the negative particle, sascat remains unchanged in the fem. if accented a-saścát, but has n if accented on the prefix: á-saścant-i-. ¹1 For inflected forms of these stems see 312. Am - 343 - - dīdīthās (AV.). 3. ájihīta, Pl. 3. ajihata, ájuhvata²¹. 12 With irregular accent. 13 The anomalous transfer form bibhra- māṇa- takes the place of *bibhrāṇa-. 14 But perfect rarāṇá-. 15 There is no sufficient reason for regarding ádadhas in x. 739, as a 3. sing. (AVERY 248; DELBRÜCK, Verbum 50, 59). 16 There is also the transfer form dádat. v. NEGELEIN 672 gives dádhat (RV. AV.) which seems a misprint for dádhat. 17 There is also the unaugmented transfer form vivyácat. 18 WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 665, quotes ajahitām from the TS. (mantra?). ¹9 With strong base instead of weak. 20 Anomalous form instead of *ápitrta. 21 Also the transfer form adadanta. WHITNEY 658 also mentions the unaugmented 3. pl. jihata.