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362 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. than twenty regular forms occur, nearly all of them being active. There are also some irregular imperatives, being transfer forms which follow the analogy of the a conjugation, made from either the strong or the weak perfect stem.. Active. Sing. 2. cākandhi, cikiddhi ( √ cit-), didiḍḍhi¹ (√ diś-), piprīhí, mumugdhi (√muc-), śasādhi (√sas- 'order'), susugdhi (Vsuc-). 3. cakantu, didestu', babhūtu², mamáttu, mumoktu, rārantu. Du. 2. jajastám ³ (jas- ‘be exhausted'), mumuktam, vavṛktam. Pl. 2. jujustana, didistana (V diś-), vavṛttana 4. Middle. Sing. 2. dadhişvá, mimiksvá³, vavytsva6. Pl. 2. dadhidhvam, vavyddhvam 7 (VIII. 20¹8). ending -räm: dadṛśräm (AV)8 'let be seen'. a. The transfer forms are: Active. Du. 2. jujoșatam, mumócatam. Pl. 2. mumócata, rarāṇátā ¹º (L 171¹) Adle Middle. Sing. 2. pipráyasva, mamahasva, vavṛdhasva, vāvṛṣa sva. Pl. 3. mamahantām. Perfect Participle. WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 802-807. DELBRÜCK, Verbum 229. 84 and 216. 3. With the unique 2 With i unchanged, as elsewhere in strong forms. 3 Beside ind. jajāsa (AV.). WHITNEY, Roots 53, assigns this form to the redupli- cated aor. beside 3. sing. ajījasata (ŚB.). 4 Given by AVERY 268 as a reduplicated aorist in the form of vavrtana (sic). - 491. There is an active and a middle participle, and both occur fre- quently. Both are formed from the weak stem of the perfect, being accented on the suffix. The strong form is made by adding the suffix -vams to the unstrengthened perfect stem; e. g. cakr-váms-, jaghan-váms-. If the stein is reduced to a monosyllable, the suffix is nearly always added with the connecting vowel -i-, as papt-i-váms- from pat- fall'. Unreduplicated stems, however, do not take the connecting vowel ¹2, as viduáms-. The weak stem of the active participle is identical in form with the 3. pl. ind. act. if written with -us instead of -ur; e. g. cakruş-. The middle participle is formed by adding the suffix -āná to the weak perfect stem; thus from cakr- is made cakr-āṇá-. 12 5 For mimiks-sva. WHITNEY, Roots 120, assigns this form to the reduplicating present class. 6 WHITNEY, Roots 164, assigns this form to the reduplicating present class. - Active. 492. cakrváms-¹3, cakhváms-¹4, cikitváms- (f. cikitúṣī-), jaganváms- (f. jag- músi-), jagrbhváms-, jagmiváms- (TS. IV. 2. 14 for RV. x. I jaganváms-), jagħanváms- (f. á-jaghnuṣī-), jānivāms-¹5, jigīváms- (ji- ‘conquer'), jujurváms- 7 Written vavṛdhvam. 8 Cp. WHITNEY's note on AV. XII. 333. 9 Perhaps also suṣūdáta (AV. 1. 264) placed by WHITNEY, Roots 188, under the perfect, but, Sanskrit Grammar 871, doubtfully under the reduplicated aorist. LINDNER ¹ WHITNEY, Roots 73, doubtfully assigns To Owing to the strong radical vowel this this and the cognate forms dideśati, didista should perhaps be regarded rather as a to the reduplicating present class. 2. pl. subjunctive. (The final vowel is long in the Pada text also.) The accent of these transfer forms was perhaps, except when the radical syllable was strong, normally on the thematic -a. Cp. WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 815. ¹ Not, however, in dadváms-, nor in the problematic form cakhvamsam (II. 14¹), which seems to be formed from a root khā-. 12 Except visiváms- (AV.). 13 With the weak stem in the acc. sing. cakrúşam (x. 137¹). ¹4 Without connecting vowel. 15 Only the weak stem of this participle occurs in the form vi-janúş-ah; cp. above 482 e.