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364 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. śáśadāna-¹ (śad- 'prevail'), śiśriyāṇá- (śri- 'resort'), susucaná-, śúśujana-², śúšuvāna-³, sasrjāná-, sasrāṇá-ª, sasvajāná-, sāsahāná-5, siṣmiyāṇá-, siṣvidāná-, suṣupāṇá- (√svap-), suṣvāṇá- (su- 'press'), sehäná- (√ sah-)5. I Pluperfect. - AVERY, BENFEY, Vollständige Grammatik p. 353. — Abhandlungen der königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 15, p. 151-154. DELBRÜCK, Verbum 419. Verb-Inflection 253. WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 817-820. - - 494. This tense, which is a pluperfect in form but not in meaning, is an augmented preterite made from the perfect stem. As in the perfect, the strong stem is used in the singular active, the weak elsewhere. The endings are the secondary ones; in the 3. pl. -ur always appears in the active and -iran in the middle. There is some difficulty in distinguishing this tense from the imperfect of the reduplicating class and from the reduplicating aorist 6. Though its sense is the same as that of the imperfect, its forms may usually be distinguished (when the reduplication would be identical in both tenses) by the fact that the verb in question is not otherwise conjugated according to the reduplicating present class. On the other hand, the sense helps to distinguish the pluperfect from the aorist, when the reduplication would be identical in both tenses. With the aid of these criteria some sixty forms may be classed as belonging to the pluperfect. The augment is, as in other past tenses, dropped in several instances. The -s and t of the 2. 3. sing. are in some forms preserved by an interposed -- (as in the aorist). Several transfer forms according to the a- conjugation are met with in this tense. 495. Active. Sing. 1. acacaksam, ajagrabham, atustavam; ápiprayam¹ (TS. v. 1. 11³; VS. xxix. 7); cakaram, ciketam (√ cit-), jagrabham (AV.). 2. ájagan; áiyes9 (v. 28); cakán, nanámas. With -- ábubhojís, ávivešís, áviveșīs; jíhimsīs¹⁰ (AV.). 12 3. djagan", aciket (cit-); rārán ¹2. – With -I-: acucyavit ¹3, ájagrabhīt, arirecīt, ávavacīt, avavarīt "4. — With thematic -a: aciketat (√cit), adadhavat¹5 'ran', asusravat (MS.), jagrabhat (VS. XXXII. 2), tastámbhat (1. 121³). acakrat, acikitat and ásasvajat; cakradat, 16 Du. 2. átatamsatam¹7, amumuktam; mumuktam. 'desire'). 3. avāvašītām (vas- Pl. 2. ájaganta; ájagantana, ajabhartana ¹8. With -Ï-: acucyavītana ¹³. 3. ácucyavur, áśiśrayur, aśuśravur, ábībhayur (Kh. 1. 75). Middle. Sing. 1. áśuśravi. 3. didista (V diś-). Du. 2. ápasprdhethām ¹7. 1 With the intensive accent. 2 With the intensive accent and regarded by WHITNEY, Roots 174, and by LINDNER, Nominalbildung p. 54, as an intensive. 3 With the intensive accent and assigned by LINDNER, 1. c., to the intensive, but by WHITNEY, Roots 175, to the perfect. 4 Once also anomalously with mana : sasymāṇá-. 5 sāsahāná- once in RV., sehāná- thrice, from Vsah-. 6 On such doubtful forms see specially DELBRÜCK, Verbum 158 (p. 135 f.). 7 WHITNEY 866 also quotes apiprayan from the TS. - - perfect of i-'go' (= á-iy-e-s), WHITNEY, Roots, as pluperfect of is- or es- 'move' (= á-iy-es), ROTH and GRASSMANN as aorist of Vis-. 10 With irregular accent. 11 For *á-jagam-t. 12 From ran- 'rejoice' (1. 122¹²). 13 Cp. WHITNEY 868 a. 14 From vř- 'cover'; cp. DELBRÜCK, Verbum P. 122¹. 15 WHITNEY regards this form as an aorist, but the reduplicative vowel is that of the pluperfect, while the sense (1x. 877) does not seem decisive. 16 WHITNEY 866. 17 Transfer form. 8 For *á-jagam-s. 18 With strong radical vowel. 9 BENFEY (p. 152) and DELBRÜCK, Verbum 19 These three are, however, classed by p. 123 and 128, regard this form as a plu- | WHITNEY 861, and Roots, as aorists.