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VII. VERB. AORIST SYSTEM. 375 sū- 'generate', sru- 'flow'; gr- ‘waken', dhy 'hold'; svap- 'sleep'; e. g. aśiśre-t (TS.), ádudro-t, ájīgar, sísvap. Beside forms made thus, occur others made from several of these roots with the thematic -a-; and those made from the roots ending in ž (the majority), cannot be distinguished in form from plu- perfects. The number of forms of this type which can with certainty be classed as aorists is therefore very small. d. Besides the indicative all the moods are represented in this aorist, but no participial form has been found. Reduplicated Aorist Indicative. 514. The forms actually occurring would, if made from jan- 'beget' with thematic -a-, be the following: · Active. Sing. 1. ájijanam. 2. ájījanas. 3. ájījanat. - Du. 2. ajījanatam. - Pl. 1. ájijanama. 2. ájījanata. 3. ájījanan. Middle. Sing. 3. djijanata. Pl. 2. ájijanadhvam. 3. ájījananta. The forms actually occurring (including those made without thematic-a-) are: Active. Sing. 1. acīkṛṣam, ajīgamam (TS. VS. AV.), ajījabham (AV.), atisthipam (AV.), adūduşam (AV.), anīnaśam, apīparam (pr- ‘pass', AV.), ámīmadam (AV.), avocam, áśīśamam (śam- '‘be quiet', AV.); arpipam (AV.), 2. acikradas, ájījanas, átisthipas, átītaras (AV.), atītṛpas (AV.), anīnašas (‘be losť, AV.), apīparas (AV.), abūbhuvas (AV.), ámīmadas (AV.), arūrupas (AV.), ávívydhas (AV.), áśīšamas (AV.); jihvaras (AV.), didyutas¹, rūrupas (AV.), susucas (TS. IV. I. 43), sisvapas. Without thematic -a-: tūtos², susros; ajīgar ³ (gr- ‘swallow'), ájīgar (gr- ‘waken'); dīdhar, síșvap. 3. acikradat, acīkļpat (AV.), acīcarat (AV.), ácukrudhat, acucyavat⋆ (K.), ajijnipat (TS. II. I. I 1³), ájījanat, ájīhiḍat (AV.), átisthipat, ádidyutat, adīdharat, adūduşat, ánīnasat, ápaptat and ápīpatat, abūbudhat, amūmuhat (AV.), árīramat, árūrucat, avīvasat ('has bellowed', vas-), avīvipat, avivrtat, ávirdhat, ávocat, aśiśriyats (AV.), áśiśvitat, áśiśamat (AV.), asisyadat (Vsyand-); amamat (Vam-); jijanat, didyutat (VS.XXXVIII. 22), dīdharat, dudrávat, néśať, bibhayat, vavrtat, vócat, śiśnáthat. Without thematic -a-: ádudrot, úninot, ápupot, ámīmet? (mā- ‘bellow'), áśiśret³, asuṣot (√sū-, MS.), ásusrot (VS. xvIII. 58; TS. v. 7. 7¹); tūtot, dūdhot (dhū- ‘shake'); ájīgar (gr- ‘waken'), asiśnat ( √ śnath-); didhar. Du. 2. árūrujatam (Kh. I. 5¹0). Pl. 1. átītypāma (VS. VII. 29), atītṛṣāma, apaptāma (Kh. III. 19), apīpadāma (AV.), ávīvṛtāma (AV.), ávocāma. 2. ájījapata ⁹ (VS. Ix. 12), arūrucata (VS. xxXVII. 15). 3. ácikradan, ájījanan, atitrasan (AV.), adīdharan (AV.), anīnašan (AV.), áneśan (VS. XVI. 10; TS. IV. 5. 14),), apaptan, apiparan (pr- 'cross'), ámīmṛṇan (AV.), ávīvatan, avīvaran (AV.), avīvašan (vāš- ‘bellow'), avīvipan, ávīvydhan, ávocan, áśíśaman (AV.), áśūšubhan, asisrasan (√ srams-, AV.), asīşadan (√sad-, VS. XII. 54; TS. IV. 2. 44); jījanan, paptan. ¹ Reduplicated with i owing to the vocalic | (= SV.) and for śiśriye in TS. I. 5. 3¹. See pronunciation of the y (diut-) as in the per- WHITNEY's note on AV. VI. 31³. fect: see 482 a I. 6 This form occurs once in the RV. (VI. 1¹7) as a past tense (along with three other un- augmented forms: rócata, arta, tişthat) and twice as an injunctive. BARTHOLOMAE, KZ. 27, 360, note ¹, regards it as a pluperfect. 7 WHITNEY 868 a; v. NEGELEIN 69¹. 8 Occurs TS. 1. 8. 10² with other aorists. 9 From the causative stem jāpaya of 2 Classed by WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 868 a, as an aorist, but Roots 63, as plu- perfect; similarly tūtot below. 3 Occurring only in RV. 1. 163² XXIX. 18 TS. IV. 6. 7³. VS. = 4 WHITNEY 866 (Mantra?). 5 This form occurs only once (AV. VI. 31³), as variant for dhiyate in RV. x. 1893 ji 'conquer'. =