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378 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. Indicative. 521. The only point in which the inflexion differs from that of the imper- fect of the graded conjugation is that the 3. pl. active invariably ends in -ur. a. The following peculiarities and irregularities are moreover to be noted. 1. In the active: in the RV. the endings -s and -f of the 2. 3. sing. disappear, and the tense sign also, unless the root ends in a vowel; e. g. a-här (AV.), 3. sing. from Vhr-, *a-har-s-t, but a-hā-s, 3. sing. from hū- ‘leave' *a-ha-s-t. The AV. and TS., however, less often than not, insert a connecting -- before these endings, thus preserving both the latter and the s of the tense stem; e. g. a-naik-s-i-t (√nij-, AV.), a-tām-s-i-t (Vtan-, TS.). In four forms in which the -- is not inserted, the -s and -t, as distinctive of the 2. and 3. persons, abnormally take the place of the -s of the stem or the final consonant of the root: a-śrai-t (AV.) for *a-śrai-s-t (√śri-); á-hai-t (AV.) for *á-hai-s-t (√hi-); a-vā-t (AV. VIII. 1²¹) for *a-vas-t² (vas- 'shine'); 2. sing. srā-s (AV.) for *sraj-s-s³ (Vsrj-). The RV. also has a-ya-s for *a-yaj-s-s (yaj- 'sacrifice') beside the phonetically regular form in the 3. sing. a-yāṭ for *a-yaj-s-t. -2. In the middle nine first and one or two third persons singular appear in which the stem is made with the addition of -s, but which have both the ending and the meaning of the present; and the -s is added to a present stem and not to the aorist form of the root. Thus formed are from a present stem of 1. the a- class: arca-s-e 'I praise', yaja-se I worship' (VIII. 25¹); 2. the á- class, nasalized: ṛnja-s-e4 I strive after'; 3. the ya- class: gay-i-se 'I sing'; 4. the nã- class: grni-ş-é6 I praise'; puni-sé I purify'; 5. the root class: kr-s-e I make', his-e 'I impel, stu-s-é7

  • I praise'; 6. the intensive: cárkr-ş-e which (like stuşė 9 in I. 1227) is a 3. sing. with a

passive sense: 'is praised'. 5 522. The forms of the indicative actually occurring would, if made from bhr- 'bear' in the active and stu- 'praise' in the middle, be as follows: Active. Sing. 1. ábharşam. 2. ábhar, abharşis (AV.). 3. ábhār; abhārṣīt (AV.TS.). - Du. 2. ábharṣṭam. 3. abharṣṭām. Pl. 1. ábharṣma. 2. ábharṣṭa. 3. ábhārşur. Du. 3. ástoṣātām. Middle. Sing. 1. ástoși. 2. ástosthas. 3. ástosta. Pl. 1. ástosmahi. 2. ástodhvam. 3. ástosata. IO The forms which actually occur are the following: Active. Sing.I. akāṛṣam (AV.), ajaișam ( √ ji-), áprākṣam (√V prach-, AV.), ‘abhārṣam, áyāmsam (√yam-), ayāsam, áspārṣam (spr- 'win'), áhārsşam (√ hr-). 2. akrān (√krand-), aghās ¹0 (√ghas-, AV. XX. 129¹), áhās (hā- ‘leave', ÀV. II. 107). With irregular -s: ayas (Vyaj), sräs (V srj-, AV.). With connecting --: arātsīs (rādh- 'succeed', AV.), avātsīs** (vas- ‘dwell', AV.); bhaiṣīs (AV.). 3. With loss of the ending -t: ajais¹² (√ji), aprās (V prā-), ahās (hā- "leave'). With loss of both tense sign and ending: ákrān¹³ (√krand-), ákṣār (√kṣar-), acait (√cit-), acchan (√ chand-), atān (√ tan-), atsār (√ tsar-), ádyaut (√dyut-), adhāk (√ dah-), aprāk (prc- 'mix', AV.), aprāṭ (V prach-), abhār, ayāṭ (√yaj-), áyān (√yam-), araut ¹4 (√rudh-, AV.), ávāț (√vah-), avat ¹5 (vas- 'shine', AV.), aśvait (√śvit-), asyan (√syand-), ásrāk (√ sṛj-), ásvar (Vsvar), ahar (Vhr-, AV.); áraik (√ric-); dyaut, vat (√vah-). and the Kathaka, WHITNEY 888. 2 In avāt the t may, however, represent the finals of the root, the form possibly standing for *a-vat-s-t; see above 44 a 2, and WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 167. 3 The phonetically regular form would be

  • srāk. Cp. p. 61 (middle).

4 Also the participle rñjas-aná-. 5 From gaya-, with i- for -a-. 6 From the weak stem. 7 These three forms seem to represent the transition of aorist stems to employment as present stems. 8 The form stușé is frequent as a I. sing.; - = —— in one passage (1. 1227), however, it appears to be a 3. sing. with a passive sense: 'is praised'. 9 On stusé in general, see OLDENBERG, ZDMG. 59, 355 ff., NEISSER, BB. 30,315-325. 10 Cp. above 499, ághas sing. 2. 3. II Cp. v. NEGELEIN 83, note 5; above 44, a I. 12 For *ajais-t. 13 For *ákrānd-s-t. 14 For *araudh-s-t. 15 Cp. avat-s-i-s (AV.) from vas- 'dwell'. Cp. note 2 and p. 36 (top).