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VI. VERB. AORIST SYSTEM. With irregular-t: aśrait (√śri-, AV.), áhait (√hi-, AV.).-With connecting -ī-: atāmsīt (V tan-, TS. IV. 7. 135; VS. xv. 53), anaikṣīt (√ nij-, AV.); rautsit (√rudh-, Kh. Iv. 75). 379 Du. 2. ásraṣṭam³ (V sṛj-, AV.).— 3. abhārṣṭām (VS.XXVIII. 17), asvārṣṭām (√V svar-). Pl.1. ájaisma, ábhaisma. - 2. ácchanta² (V chand-), anaista (TS.v.7.24).- 3. ácchantsur, ábhaișur, amatsur (√mad-), ayāsur, ávākṣur (√vah-, AV.) ³. Middle. Sing. 1. ádikṣi (√ diś-), ádiṣi4 (dā- ‘give', AV.), anūṣi (√nū-), ábhakṣi (Vbhaj-), ábhutsi (V budh-), ámāsi (mā- ‘measure', AV.), ámuksi (Vmuc-, AV.), avitsi (vid- ‘find'), asākṣi5 (Vsah-), asṛksi, astosi; mamsi (√man-), vṛkşiº (√vṛj-, AV.), sākṣi5. 2. ájñāsthas (AV.), átapthas' (AV.Ix. 56), aprkthās (V prc-, AV.), ámukthāṣ (V muc-, AV.). 3. aprkta (Vprc-), ábhakta (Vbhaj-), ámamsta (VS. v. 40), amatta (Vmad), ayamsta (Vyam-), ayaşta (Vyaj), áramsta (Vram-), árabdha (Vrabh-), asakta (√ saj-), ásṛṣṭa (√ srj-), astoṣṭa. Du. 3. anūṣātām, amaṁsātām (VS. xxxvIII. 13), áyukṣātām (√yuj-). Pl. I. agasmahi³ (√gam-), aprkṣmahi (√ pṛc-, AV.), abhutsmahi (√ budh-), áviksmahi (V viš-), asṛkṣmahi (V srj-, TS. 1. 4. 45³; VS. xx. 22). 2. ástoḍhvam (for *á-stoș-dhvam from stu- 'praise'). 3. akramsata (AV.), ádykṣata (V dṛś-), ádhukṣata (√duh-), ádhūrṣata⁹ (dhur- 'injure'), adhusata, ánuşata, aneşata (√ni-), ábhutsata (V budh-), amamsata (Vman-), amatsata (Vmad-), ayamsata (Vyam-), ayukṣata (Vyuj-), aramsata (AV.), árāsata, alipsata, ávikṣata (Vvis-), avrtsata (Vvrt), avrsata (ur- 'choose', AV. III. 35), asakṣata (sac- 'accompany'), ásrkṣata (√srj-), ástoșata, ahāsata, ahūṣata (hū- ‘call'), ahṛṣata (√hr-), aheṣata ( √ hi-). s- Aorist Subjunctive. 523. This mood is quite common in the RV., but decidedly less so in the other Samhitās. Its forms are, however, frequent only in the active, in which all persons are represented except the 1. du. The middle is much less common, about 20 forms occurring altogether; only one of these is found in the dual, and two in the plural. The root regularly takes Guna throughout before the tense sign ¹o, in the middle as well as the active. The primary endings are frequent, being used almost exclusively in the du. and the 2. pl. II In the middle 3. sing. and pl. the exceptional ending -tai occurs in two forms in later Samhitās (AV. TS.). Active. Sing. I. stoșani. 2. darşasi (dr- 'split'); jésas (√ji-), vákşas (Vvah-). 3. nesati (Vni-, parṣati (pr- 'take across'), pasati ('protect'), matsati (√mad-), yoşati (yu- 'separate'), vakṣati (√vah-), sak- sati (Vsah-, (√sah-, AV.); ákṣat (as- 'attain', X. 117), kşeşat (ksi- 'dwell'), chantsat (V chand-), jésat (√ji-), dárşat (dr- ‘split'), dāsat (dā- ‘give'), drāsat 1 Emendation for ásrästram of the Mss., AV. IV. 284; see WHITNEY's note. 2 For *acchānt-s-ta. 4 Cp. v. NEGELEIN 834. 5 With anomalous long vowel. 6 See WHITNEY's note on AV. VI. 30². 7 For *á-tap-s-thäās. 8 With loss of the radical nasal (a taking 3 AVERY 257 adds the form aveşan, which occurs twice in the RV., regarding it doubt- less as an - aorist of Vvi-. It would as such the place of the sonant nasal). have the double anomaly of absence of 9 With interchange of the radical vowel Vyddhi and the ending -an. It is probably and semivowel: see 50, b. 3. pl. impf. of V/vis- in both passages (1.170²; X. 114). GRASSMANN in X. 1141 regards it as aorist of V/vi-. 10 The a of sah is lengthened in the forms saksama and sākṣate. ¹¹ Excepting only the 3. du. act. yakṣatām.