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380 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. (drā- ‘run'), nakṣat (naś- ‘reach'), néșat (√nī-), pákṣat (√ pac-), párṣat ('take across'), présat (Vprī-), bhaksat (Vbhaj-), bharşat (Vbhr-), mátsat (Vmad-), yámsat (Vyam-), yákṣat (√yaj-), yäsat, yósat (yu- 'separate'), rásat, vámsat (√van-), váksat (Vvah-), valsat (Kh. v. 156), véşat¹ (√vi-)², saksat (sac- 'accompany'3 and sah- 'overcome'4), satsat (Vsad-), sarsat (Vsr-, AV.), stoșat, srakṣat (√ sṛj-, VS. xxI. 46). Du. 2. dásathas, dhasathas, párşathas (pr- 'take across'), vákṣathas (Vvah-, AV.), varsathas (vr- 'cover'). 3. pāsatas ('protect'), yamsatas (Vyam-), yakşatas (Vyaj-), yoşatas (yu- 'separate', AV.), vakṣatas (√vah-). With -tām: yakṣatām (Vyaj-). Pl. 1. jėṣāma (√ji-), vámsāma (√van-), sákṣāma³ (√sah-), stoṣāma. 2. dhāsatha, nesatha, párşatha ('take across'), mátsatha. across'), yamsan (√yam-), rásan, vákṣan, šésan (śī- ‘lie'). 3. parsan ('take Middle. Sing. 1. namsai, mámsai (√man-). 2. dŕkṣase, prksase6 (Vprc-), mamsase (√man-). - 3. kramsate, trasate, darşate (dr- 'split'), mámsate (√ man-), yamsate ( √ yam-), yakṣate (Vyaj-), rāsate, vamsate (√van-), sākṣates (Vsah-)7. With ending -tai: másātai (AV.). Du. 2. trasathe (for *trásaithe). Pl. 3. námsante (Vnam-), mámsante (Vman-). With ending -tai: mamsatai 8 (TS. VII. 4. 15¹). — - s- Aorist Injunctive. 524. Injunctive forms are of fairly common occurrence, especially after má. Judged by the extremely few accented forms occurring, the accent was on the radical syllable. All the forms occurring in the 1. sing. act. are irregular in one way or another: nearly all of them take Guna instead of Vṛddhi, while yüşam (AV.) only lengthens the radical vowel (yu- 'separate'). Three first persons from roots in -ã substitute e for that vowel, as jesam from yā- 'go'; the same substitution takes place in the 1. pl. gesma (AV.), desma (VS.), and 3. pl. sthesur (AV.). 10 Active. Sing. I. jeşam ¹0 (Vji-, VS. ix. 13 etc.), yüşam (yu- 'separate', AV.), stoșamo; from roots ending in -a: gesam (ga- 'go', VS. v. 5), yesam (yā- ‘go'), stheṣam 9 (sthā- ‘stand', VS. II. 8). 2. jes ¹0; bhāk (√ bhaj-), yāṭ (Vyaj-), yaus (yu- ‘separate'), hvār (√hvar-, VS. I. 2). With connecting -ī-: hāsīs (Kh. iv. 85; AA. II. 7). 3. dhak (√ dah-), bhāk ( √ bhaj-), bhār ( √ bhṛ-), mauk (√ muc-, VS. 1. 25), hās¹¹ (hā- ‘leave'). With connecting -ī-: tāpsīt (VS. xIII. 30), vākṣīt (√vah-, AV.), hāsīt (TS. vII. 3. 13¹; AV.), hvārṣīt (√ hvar-, VS. 1. 2). Du. 2. taptam (Vtap-, VS. v. 33), yaustam (yu- 'separate'), srastam (V sṛj-, AV). ¹ As appearing in immediate juxtaposition with preşat (1. 1806), this form appears to be an aorist subjunctive of vi-, not a present injunctive of V/viș- (véșati). 2 AVERY 258 gives šișat, among these forms, as occurring once. He doubtless means ni-sişat (IV. 27) which occurs beside the subjunctives bhárat and udírat. But it cannot be an s-aorist (which would be śikṣat). WHITNEY, Roots, takes it as an a- aorist of is 'leave', GRASSMANN, Wörter- buch 1392, as an aorist of śās-. Cp. above 510. 3 In 1. 12910 ('accompany'). 4 In v. 306 ('conquer'). 5 With lengthened radical vowel. 6 Weak radical vowel instead of Guna. 7 AVERY 258 adds hasate, also WHITNEY, Grammar 893 a; but this form is doubtless a 3. sing. mid. pres. of hās- 'hasten', a secon- dary form of hã- 'leave' according to the a- class; also hasante (AV. IV. 365). Čp. p. 321, note 7. 8 See WEBER's ed. of the TS., p. 310, 15, note 12. 9 Made perhaps from an i form of roots ending in -ā. Cp. WHITNEY, Grammar 894 c. 10 Formed perhaps under the influence of the subjunctives jésat and stoșat. 1¹ Unnecessarily regarded by DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 60 (80) as from hr- 'take'.