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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. 553. The root is strengthened in different ways according to the nature and position of its vowel. 394 Initial or medial i u r! (if not long by position) take Guna; thus a. cit- 'perceive': cet-áya- 'teach'; mih- 'mingere': meh-áya- 'cause to rain'; ris- be hurt': res-áya- 'injure'; vid- 'know': ved-áya-'cause to know'; vip- 'tremble'

vep-áya- ‘shake'; vis- 'enter': veš-áya- 'cause to enter'; vist- 'wrap' : vest-áya-

(AV.) 'involve'; snih 'be moist' : sneh-áya- 'destroy'; b. kup- 'be agitated': kop-áya- 'shake'; krudh- 'be angry': krodh-áya- 'en- rage'; kṣud- ‘be agitated': ksod-aya- ‘shake'; ghuș- 'sound' : ghos-áya- 'proclaim'; cud- 'impel' : cod-áya-, id.; jus- ‘enjoy' : jos-áya- 'caress'; jyut- ‘shine' : jyot-áya- (AV.) 'enlighten'; tus 'drip': tos-aya- 'bestow abundantly'; dyut 'shine' : dyot- aya- 'illumine'; pus- 'thrive': pos-aya- 'nourish'; budh 'be awake': bodh-áya- 'waken'; muh- 'be dazed': moh-áya- 'bewilder'; yudh- 'fight' : yodh-dya- 'cause to fight'; yup- 'efface': yop-áya-, id.; ruc- 'shine': roc-áya- 'illumine'; rud- 'weep' : rod-aya- 'cause to wail'; ruh- 'rise': roh-aya- 'raise'; lubh- 'desire eagerly': lobh-áya- 'allure'; suc- 'flame': soc-áya- 'set on fire'; subh- 'shine': Sobh-aya- (AV.) 'adorn'; sus- 'grow dry': sos-aya- (AV.) ‘make dry'; c. rd-'dissolve' (intr.): ard-áya- 'destroy'; krs- 'be lean': kars-áya- ‘emaciate'; trp- 'be pleased': tarp-áya- 'delight'; drs 'see' : darś-áya- (AV.) 'show'; nyt- 'dance' : nart-áya- 'cause to dance'; brh- or vyh- 'tear' : barh-áya- 'thrust'; myc- 'injure': marc-áya-, id.; mrj- 'wipe': mari-áya-, id.; vrj- 'turn': varj-aya- (AV.) 'cause to turn'; vrt- 'roll': vart-aya- 'cause to revolve'; vydh- 'grow': vardh-áya- 'augment'; vrs- 'rain': vars-áya- 'cause to rain'; srdh- ‘be bold': sardh-áya- 'cause to be bold'; hrs- be excited': hars-áya- 'excite; d. kip- 'be adapted': kalp-áya- 'arrange'. 554. The following verbs, mostly lacking the causative meaning, leave the root unchanged: il 'be quiet' : il-áya- (AV.) 'cease'; cit- 'observe': cit- áya- 'stimulate' (also cet-áya-); riş- 'be injured' : riş-aya- id. (beside reş-áya-); vip- 'quiver': vip-áya- 'agitate' (also vep-aya-); tuj- 'be eager': tuj-áya- id.; tur- 'overwhelm': tur-áya- id.; tuș- ‘be content'

tus-áya- id.; dyut 'shine': dyut-aya- id. (beside dyot-aya- 'illumine'); ruc-

'shine': ruc-aya- id. (beside roc-áya- 'illumine'); suc- 'shine' suc-áya- id. (beside soc-áya- 'illumine'); subh- ‘shine': śubh-áya- id. (also sobh-aya- ‘adorn’ AV.). The vowel is lengthened in dus- 'spoil': duṣ-dya- id. krp- lament': krp-áya- id.; mṛḍ- 'be gracious': mṛl-áya-¹ id.; sprh- 'be eager': sprh-aya- id. In the case of grabh- 'grasp', the root is even weakened: grbh-áya- id. I a. Vowels long by nature or position remain unchanged, but the stem, in this case, usually has the causative sense: ing- 'move': ing-áya- ‘set in motion'; īks- ‘see' : īkṣ-áya- 'cause to see'; inkh- 'swing' : īnkh-áya- ‘shake'; īr- ‘set in motion' : īr-áya- id.; jīv- 'live' : jīv-áya- ‘animate'; dīp- ‘shine' : dip- áya- 'kindle'; pid- 'press' : pīd-aya- (AV.) ‘distress'; vid 'be strong' (in vīl-- 'strong'): vīl-áya- 'make strong'²; uks- 'grow up' : ukş-aya- 'strengthen'; kūd- (does not occur in the simple form) : kūl-aya- 'scorch'; sundh- 'purify': sundh-aya- id.; sūd- ‘make pleasant': sūd-áya- id.; sphūrj- 'rumble': sphūrj-áya- id.; drmh 'make firm': drmh-aya- (AV.) 'hold fast'; a. Two roots with medial i take Guna: srīv- 'fail': srev-áya- beside sriv-aya-3 (AV.) 'lead astray'; hid- be hostile': helaya in the participle á-helayant- 'not angry'; while ¹ Cp. v. NEGELEIN 46, note 1. 2 DELBRÜCK 189, 4 regards vīļáya as a śrīv-. denominative. a | iro 3 In AV. VI. 73² all the Mss. but one have