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VII. VERB. SECONDARY CONJUGATION. 395 two others already have it in the root: rej- 'tremble': rej-áya- 'shake'; med- ‘be fat' : med-áya- 'fatten'. 555. An initial or a medial a (if not long by position) is lengthened in some thirty roots: am- 'be injurious': am-áya- be injured'; kam- 'desire': kam-áya- 'love'; cat- 'hide oneself' : cat-áya- 'drive away'; chad- 'cover'¹ : chad- áya- id.; tan- 'stretch': tan-aya- (AV.) ‘make taut'; tap- 'burn': tāp-áya- (AV.) 'cause to burn'; tras- ‘be terrified': tras-aya- (AV.) 'terrify'; nas 'be lost' : nas-áya- 'destroy'; pad- 'go', 'fall' : pād-áya- 'cause to fall'; phan- ‘bound' : phāṇ- aya- 'cause to bound'; bhaj- 'divide': bhaj-aya- 'cause to share'; bhras 'fall'

bhrās-áya-'cause to fall'; man- 'think': man-ava-2 (AV.) 'esteem'; yat- 'stretch':

yat-aya- 'unite'; yam- ‘guide': yām-aya- (Pp.yằm-) ‘present'; lap- ‘prate': lāp-aya- (AV.) 'cause to cry'; vat 'apprehend': vat-áya- 'inspire'; van- 'win': van-aya- (AV.) 'conciliate' (Pp. văn-); vas- 'dwell,: vas-áya- 'cause to stay'; vas- 'wear'

vās-áya- ‘clothe'; vas- 'shine': väs-aya- 'illumine'; sat-3 'cut in pieces': sat-áya-

(AV.) id. 4 ; svas- 'snort': śvās-aya- (AV.) 'cause to resound'; spaš- ‘see' : spāš-áya- 'show'; svap- 'sleep': svāp-aya- send to sleep'. a. Five or six other causatives optionally retain the a: gam- 'go': gam-aya- and gām-aya- (RV¹.) ‘bring'; das- 'waste away': das-aya- and dās-aya- (AV.) 'exhaust'; dhvan- 'disappear': dhvan-aya- (RV.) and dhvan-aya- (RV.) 'cause to disappear'; pat- 'fall' : pat-áya- 'fly about' (in RV. only once, I. 1697, 'cause to fall') and pat-áya- 'cause to fall'; mad- 'be exhilarated' :mad-áya- (AV.) and mad-áya- 'rejoice'; ram- 'rest': ram-áya- and ram-áya- 'cause to rest'. 556. Some twenty-five roots with initial or medial a (short by position) remain unchanged, as the causative meaning is mostly absent: an- 'breathe'

-an-aya- (AV.) 'cause to breathe'; chad- 'seem': chad-áya- id.; jan- 'beget'

jan-aya- id.; tvar- 'make haste' : tvar-áya- (AV.) ‘quicken'; dam- 'control'

dam-áya- id.; dhan- 'set in motion' : dhan-áya- id.; dhvas- 'disperse' (intr.) :

dhvas-áya- 'scatter' (tr.); nad- 'roar' : nad-áya- 'cause to resound'; nam- 'bend' (tr. and intr.) nam-aya- ‘cause to bend', 'strike down'; pan- 'admire' : pan-áya- id.; prath- 'spread out' : prath-aya- id.; mah- ‘be great' : mah-aya- ‘magnify'; raj- 'colour': raj-aya- (AV.) id.; ran- 'rejoice': ran-aya- id. and 'gladden'; vyath- 'waver': vyath-áya- 'cause to fall'; sam- 'be quiet' : śam-áya- (AV.) 'appease'; śnath- 'pierce': śnath-aya- id.; śrath- 'loosen': śrath-áya- id.; stan- 'thunder': stan-áya- id.; svad- 'enjoy', 'sweeten' : svad-áya- id.; svan- 'sound' : svan-aya- id.; svar- 'sound': svar-áya- (AV.) id. 5 a. If long by nature or position medial à remains unchanged, the causative sense being more often lacking than present: thus arc- 'shine' : arc- aya- 'cause to shine'; kaś 'appear' : kāś-áya- (AV.) 'cause to be viewed'; krand- 'roar': krand-áya- 'cause to roar'; cakṣ- 'see' : cakṣ-aya- ‘cause to appear'; chand- 'seem': chand-aya- id.; jambh- 'chew up', 'crush' : jambh-áya- id.; tams- 'set in motion' : tams-áya-id.; dambh- 'destroy' : dambh-áya- id.; bādh- ‘oppress'

badh-aya- (AV.) 'force'; bhaks- 'partake of' : bhaks-áya- id.; mamh- 'bestow':

mamh-áya id.; mand- 'gladden': mand-áya- 'satisfy'; yāc-'ask' yac-áya- (AV.) 'cause to be asked for'; ramh- 'hasten': ramh-áya- (AV.) id.; randh- 'make subject': randh-áya- id.; rāj- 'rule': räj-aya- (AV. TS.) 'be king'; radh- 'succeed'

radh-aya- (AV.) 'make successful'; vaks- 'grow': vakş-aya- 'cause to grow';

I Finite forms of the simple root chad- do not occur; the part. channa- is found in B. 2 In AV. XV. 10² the reading should be mānayet; see WHITNEY's note. 3 In AV. IV. 184 śäpaya, which would be the causative of sap, is probably a wrong reading; cp. WHITNEY's note, 4 No form or derivative of the simple root sal- occurs in V.; see WHITNEY, Roots, s. v. sat. 5 Occurring only in the participle svaráyant- am (AV. XIII. 2²), which WHITNEY translates 'shining'.