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398 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. associated with the originally iterative meaning of the causative. But in form it is unconnected with the causative stem, being derived directly from the root; and more than one-third of the verbs which form it in the RV., and about one-fifth in the AV., have no causative stem in -aya. There are, how- ever, eight forms which are actually made from the causative stem: Sing. 1. arp-ip-am (AV.) from ar-paya-; 2. jihip-as from hã-paya-¹ 'cause to depart'; atişthip-as and 3. átişthip-at from sthā-paya- 'fasten'; ajijñip-at (TS.) from jñā- paya- 'cause to know'; Pl. 2. ájījap-ata (VS.) from japaya- 'cause to conquer' (Vji-); Sing. 2. act. bībhis-as (TS.) and mid. bībhis-athas from bhi-saya: 'frighten', anomalous causative of bhi 'fear'. a. There are besides three iş-aorists formed from the causative stem: vyathay-īs (AV.) from vyathaya- 'disturb'; ailay-it (AV.) from ilaya- ‘has quieted down'; dhvanay-it from dhvanaya- 'envelope'. 561. Nominal derivatives. a. The only present passive participle appears in the form bhaj-yá-mana- (AV. xII. 5²8). There are also a few past participles: ghar-i-ta- (AV.) 'smeared'; cod-i-tá- 'impelled'; -ves-i-ta- (AV.) 'caused to enter'. b. A few gerundives in -ayya are formed from causative stems: trayay- áyya- 'to be guarded'; panay-áyya- 'admirable'; sprhay-áyya- 'desirable’ ³. c. Ten infinitives formed with -dhyai from the causative stem are met with in the RV.: işáyadhyai, īráyadhyai, tamsayádhyai, nāśayádhyai, manda- yádhyai, mādayádhyai, risayádhyai, vartayádhyai, vājayádhyai, syandayádhyai 4. d. Four gerunds formed with tua from causative stems are met with in the AV.: arpay-i-tvá, kalpay-i-tvá, sāday-i-tvá, sramsay-i-tvá. e. Finally several ordinary nouns are derived from the causative stem with various suffixes; a few verbal nouns in -ana: árp-ana- (AV.) 'thrusting'; -bhi-s-ana- frightening'; one or two agent nouns in -tr, f. -tr-í: coday-i-tr-i- 'stimulator'; bodhay-i-tr- 'awakener'; a few adjectives in -á as second members of compounds: ati-pārayá- ‘putting across'; ni-dharayá- 'putting down'; vācam- inkhayá- 'voice-impelling'; visvam-ejaya- 'all-stimulating'; an adjective in -ālu: patay-āli- (AV.) 'flying'; five adjectives in -isnú: tapay-isni tormenting'; namay-işnu- 'bending'; patay-isnú- 'flying'; paray-isnú- 'rescuing'; maday-iṣnú- 'intoxicating'; seven adjectives in -itnú: -amay-itni- 'making ill; tanay-itnú- 'thundering'; drāvay-itni- 'speeding'; posay-itnú- 'nourishing'; mäday-itnú- 'intoxi- cating'; süday-itni- 'streaming sweetness'; stanay-itnú- m. 'thunder'; and three adjectives in -u: dharay-i- 'streaming'5; bhavay-i- 'animating'; manday-ú- 'rejoicing'. 4. The Denominative. DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 201-209, 216-218. AVERY, Verb-Inflection 272-274.- WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 1053-1068. v. NEGELEIN, Zur Sprachgeschichte 40-44. Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 693-696. - 562. The denominative is nearly always formed from a nominal stem with the suffix -ya. The latter is normally accented; but a certain number of unmistakable denominatives, such as mantrá-ya-te 'takes counsel', have the causative accent and thus form a connecting link between the regular denomi- natives and the causatives The formation is a frequent one, more than a hundred denominative stems occurring in the RV., and in the AV. about 1 The stem hū-paya- does not itself other- | BR. and GRASSMANN to be analyzed as wise occur in V.; cp. p. 396 note ². dhāra-yú-. 2 The TS. 1v. 6. 92 has instead dhvanayit. 3 See below 579. 4 Cp. DELBRÜCK, Verbum 211; and below 585, 7. 5 WHITNEY, Roots, s. v. dhy; according to 6 There can be little doubt that the de- nominative suffix -ya is identical with that of the causative as well as that of the verbs of the fourth class; cp. WHITNEY 1055 a; v. NEGELEIN 44; BRUGMANN, KG. 690, 694.