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VII. VERB. SECONDARY CONJUGATION. thirty (or about fifty if those which form present participles or derivative nouns only are included). The general meaning of the denominative is that the subject expressed by the inflexion stands in some relation to the noun from which the stem is formed. It may usually be rendered by 'be or act like'; 'regard or treat as'; 'turn into or use as'; 'wish for'. Denominatives formed with -ya are best classified according to the final of the nominal stem to which the suffix is added. 563. Stems in -a, which usually remains unchanged; thus amitra-ya- 'act like an enemy', 'be hostile'; indra-ya- 'behave like Indra'; kşema-yá- 'take a rest'; jära-ya- 'treat like a lover', 'caress'; deva-ya- 'serve the gods'; yuşma-ya- 'seek you'; vasna-yá- 'deal with the price', 'bargain'. With the causative accent: (pary-)ankhá-ya-¹ 'clasp (round)'; arthá-ya- 'have as a desire'; rtá-ya- 'act according to sacred order'; kulayá-ya- 'build a nest'; mīlá-ya- 'bring together'; pālá-ya- (AV.) 'act as guardian', 'protect'; mantrá-ya- 'take counsel'; mrgá-ya- 'treat as a wild animal', 'hunt'; vavrá-ya; 'put in hiding', 'shrink from'; vājá-ya- ‘act like a steed', 'race' (beside vāja-yá-)- virá-ya- 'play the man'; sa-bhagá-ya- (AV.) 'apportion'². a. One or two denominatives are from nominal stems extended with -a: iş-á-ya- have strength' (ís-)³; úrjá-ya- ‘have strength' (úrj-)4. 399 a. The -a is, however, often lengthened: agha-yá- plan mischief'; ajira-ya- 'be swift'; amitra-ya- (AV.) 'be hostile' (Pp. -ayá-); aśva-ya- 'desire horses'; rta-yá- 'observe sacred order' (beside rtá-ya-); tilvila-yá- 'be fertile'; tudā-yá- (AV.) ‘thrust'; dhūpā-yá-5 (MS. AV.) 'be like smoke', 'fume'; priya-yá- 'become friends'; matha-yá- (AV.) 'shake'; muṣā-ya-6 (AV.) 'steal'; yajñā-yá- 'sacrifice'; rathirã-yá- be conveyed in a car'; randhana-ya-7 'make subject'; vrsa-ya- 'act like a bull'8; sama-yá- 'be active' (śáma-); subha-yá- be beauti- ful'; śratha-ya- 'make loose' (Pp. -aya-) ¹º; satvanā-yá- (AV.) ‘act like a warrior'; sumnä-yá- 'show benevolence'; skabhä-yá- 'make firm'. In most of these examples the Pada text has a short a. IO a. The denominative ojā-yá- 'employ force' is formed from oja-, shortened for ójas- 'strength'. b. The-a of the nominal stem is sometimes changed to -7: adhvar-yá- perform the sacrifice' (adhvará-); caraṇī-yá- 'follow a course' (cárana-), 'pursue'; tavisi-yá- 'be strong' (tavisá-); putri-yá- 'desire a son' (putrá-); rathi-ya- 'drive in a car' (rátha-); śapathì-yá- (AV.) ‘utter a curse³ (śapátha-). In nearly every instance here the Pada text has . Even in the Samhitā text the AV. has putri-yá- 'desire a son', and the RV. the denominative participle (with shifted accent) ánni-yant- 'desiring food (ánna-). a. For the -a of the nominal stem e is substituted in vare-yá- 'play the wooer' (vára-), 'woo'. c. The final -a of the nominal stem is sometimes dropped": "adhvar-yá- 'perform sacrifice' (beside adhvarī-yá-); krpan-yá- 'be eager'; tavis-yá- 'be 1 Regarded as a causative by GRASSMANN, S. v. ankh. 2 DELBRÜCK 189, 1 regards the form hástayatas as a denominative; but the accent would be unique: its explanation by BR. and GRASSMANN as a compound, hásta-yatas "wielded by the hand', is doubtless the correct one. 3 Cp. DELBRÜCK 189, 2. 4 GRASSMANN regards this verb as causati ve: see Wörterbuch, s. v. ürjáy. 5 See WHITNEY's note on AV. IV. 196. a 6 See WHITNEY on AV. IV. 21². 7 Based on randhana, an assumed deri- vative of the root randh-. 8 Beside vrşan-yá-, from vrsa-, the form which výsan- assumes before terminations or before second members of compounds beginning with consonants. 9 From subha-, an assumed derivative of subh 'shine'. 10 There is also a causative form śratháya-, from frath- 'loosen'. 1¹ Cp. v. NEGELEIN 40.