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VII. VERB. PAST PASSIVE PARTICIPLES. 405 2. in voiceless aspirates: likh- 'scratch' : likh-i-tá- (AV.); grath- 'tie': grath-i-tá-; nāth- 'seek aid' : nāth-i-tá-; math- 'stir' : math-i-tá-; 3. in cerebral d: id- 'praise': il-i-tá-; hid- 'be hostile': hil-i-tá-; 4. in semivowels: car- 'move' : car-i-tá-¹; jīv- 'live' : jīv-i-tá-. b. The suffix is also added with -i- to a number of roots ending in simple consonants, especially sibilants, about which no rule can be stated. Such are the following participles arranged according to the final of the root: yāc- 'ask' yac-i-tá- (AV.); pat- 'fall': pat-i-tá- (AV.); rad- 'dig': rad-i-tá- (AV.); vad- 'speak': ud-i-tá-; vid- 'know': vid-i-tá- (AV.) 2; dudh 'stir up': didh-i-ta- (RV.); nādh- 'seek aid': nadh-i-tá-; bādh- 'oppress': bādh-i-tá-; pan- ‘admire': pan-i-tá-; kup- 'be agitated': -kup-i-ta-; gup-3 protect' : gup-i-tá- beside gup-tá- (AV.); yup- 'obstruct': yup-i-tá- (AV.); rup- 'break': -rup-i-ta-; drp- 'rave': -drp-i-ta- and -drp-ta-; lap-'prate' : lap-i-tá- (AV.); grabh- ‘seize' : grbh-ï-tá- and grah- 'seize': gṛh-ì-tá- (AV.); skabh- 'prop': skabh-i-tá-; stabh- 'prop': stabh-i-tá-; dham- 'blow': dham-i-tá- (beside dhmã-tá-); as- 'eat' : aś-i-tá-; piš- 'adorn' : piš-i-tá- (AV.) beside pis-țá-; is- 'send': iş-i-tá-; īs- 'move' : -īṣ-i-ta-; tvis- ‘be stirred': tvis-i-tá-; dhrs- ‘dare' : dhṛṣ-i-tá- beside dhrs-tá-; prus- 'sprinkle' : prus-i-tá-; mus- 'steal': muş-i-tá-; hrs- 'be ex- cited': hrs-i-tá-; gras- ‘devour' : gras-i-tá-. a. The verb ha- 'leave' forms its past participle anomalously (like dã- 'give') from the reduplicated present base: jah-i-tá- (cp. the pres. part. jáh-at-). ß. In the AV. is once (1x. 638) found a past passive participle extended with the possessive suffix -vant, which gives it the sense of a perfect participle active: aś-i-ta- vant- (Pp. asitá-vant-) 'having eaten'. c. Secondary verbs, almost exclusively causatives4, add -ita after dropping -aya-; thus arp-aya- 'cause to go': arp-itá- and árp-ita-; íñkh-áya- 'cause to quake': inkh-itá-; cod-áya- 'set in motion': cod-itá-; vil-áya- 'make strong': vīl-ita-; snath-aya- 'pierce': śnath-itá-; svan-aya- 'resound' : -svan-ita-. The only past passive participle formed from a denominative is bhām-itá- 'enraged', from bháma- 'wrath'. 576. The suffix -ná is always attached directly to the root, which as a rule remains unweakened. Among roots ending in consonants, it is taken by those in d, besides two or three in the palatals c and j; among roots in vowels, it is taken by those ending in the long vowels ā, ī, 7, besides one in ž. a. The final of roots in -d is assimilated to the n of the suffix; thus chid- 'cut off' : chin-ná-; tud- 'push': tun-ná-; trd-pierce':-trn-na- (VS.xxxVI. 2); nud- 'push': -nun-na- (SV.) beside mut-tá-; pad- ‘go' : pan-ná- (AV.); bhid- ‘split' : bhin-ná-; vid- 'find': vin-ná- (AV.) beside vit-tá-; sad- 'sit': san-ná- (VS. AV.) beside sat-tá-; skand-¹leap' : skan-ná-; syand-'move on' : syan-ná-; svid- 'sweat'

svin-ná-. The original participle of ad- 'eat' survives only (with change of

accent) in the neuter noun án-na- 'food'. b. The roots in palatals which take -na are: prc- ‘mix' : -prg-na- (RV¹.) beside prk-tá-; vraśc- 'cut up': vrk-ná-; ruj- ‘break': rug-ná-. c. Roots in -ã remain unchanged or weaken the final to ž: drā- ‘sleep'

-drā-ṇa- (AV.); dā- ‘divide' : di-ná-; hā- ‘leave': hi-ná-; final -ya is shortened

to -ī: śyā- 'coagulate': sĩ-ná- (VS.) beside śī-tá-. d. Roots in -ī and -ū remain unchanged: kṣī- ‘destroy' : -kṣī-ṇa- (AV.); ¹ Also ār-i-ta- if derived from a somewhat doubtful root ār- 'praise'; cp. WHITNEY, Roots, s. v. ār. 2 mad-i-tá- is probably from the causative of mad- 'be exhilarated'. 3 See p. 402, note 2. 4 No examples of past participles from desideratives (except mīmāmsitá-, AV.) and intensives seem to occur in the Samhitās.