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406 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. pi- 'swell': pi-ná- (AV.); bli- 'crush': -bli-na- (AV.); l- 'cling' : -lī-na- (AV.); du- 'burn': du-ná- (AV.). e. Roots in - change that vowel to ir or (generally when a labial precedes) -ūr before -na: gr- 'swallow' : gir-ná-; jr- ‘waste away' : jīr-ná- (AV.) and jūr-ná-; tr- 'pass': tir-ná-; pr- 'fill' : pūr-ná- beside pur-tá-; my 'crush': mūr-ná- (AV.); - 'crush': sir-ná- (AV.) beside sur-tá- (RV. I. 174°) ¹; str- 'strew': stir-ná- beside -str-ta-. b. Future Passive Participles (Gerundives). 577. Verbal adjectives formed with certain suffixes have acquired the value of future participles passive, expressing that the action of the verb is or ought to be suffered. There are four forms of such gerundives in use in the RV.: that derived with the primary suffix -ya, which is common, and those derived with the secondary suffixes -áy-ya, -én-ya, and tv-a, about a dozen examples of each of which are met with. In the AV. are also found two instances each of gerundives in -tavyà and -aniya. 578. By far the most frequent form of gerundive is that in -ya, about 40 examples occurring in the RV. and about 60 in the AV. This suffix is nearly always to be read as -ia, which accounts for the treatment of final radical vowels before it. The root, being accented, appears in a strong form, excepting a few instances in which there is the short radical vowel i u or y. I. In the following examples a final short vowel remains unchanged, a-t-² being interposed: -í-t-ya- 'to be gone'; apa-mi-t-ya- (AV. VI. 117¹) 'to be thrown away' (? mi- 'fix) ³; śri-t-ya- 'to be heard'; -kr-t-ya- 'to be made'; car-ky-t-ya- 'to be praised' (kr- 'commemorate'). L 2. Otherwise final , , r regularly take Guņa or Vṛddhi, the final element of which always appears as y, v, r as before a vowel; thus from lī- 'cling': a-láy-ya-, an epithet of Indra; nu- 'praise': náv-ya- 'to be praised'; bhū- 'be' : bháv-ya- and bhāv-yá- 'future'; hū- ‘call' : háv-ya- 'to be invoked'; ur- 'choose': vár-ya- 'to be chosen'. 3. Final -ã coalesces with the initial of -ia to e, between which and -a a phonetic y is interposed; thus da- 'give': dé-ya- (= dá-i-y-a-) 'to be given'; khyā- 'see' : -khye-ya- (AV.); mã- ‘measure' : mé-ya- (AV.). In the RV., how- ever, the form jñā-ya- once occurs in the compound bala-vi-jñā-yá- (x. 1035) 'to be recognized by his might'. 4. A medial vowel either remains unchanged or, if short, may take Guņa, and a is sometimes lengthened; thus id-ya- 'to be praised'; gúh-ya- 'to be hidden'; -dhṛṣ-ya- 'to be assailed'; dués-ya- (AV.) ‘to be hated' (√dvis-); yódh-ya- 'to be fought' (√yudh-); árdh-ya- ‘to be completed' (√rdh-); márj-ya- to be purified' (Vmri); cáks-ya- 'to be seen'; dábh-ya- 'to be deceived'; rámh-ya- 'to be hastened'; rádh-ya- 'to be won'; vánd-ya- 'praiseworthy'; śáms-ya- 'to be lauded'; -sád-ya- from sad- 'sit'; -mád-ya- from mad- 'be ex- hilarated'; vắc-ya- 'to be said' (√vac-). 579. Hardly a dozen gerundives, almost restricted to the RV., are formed with -ay-yas (which with one exception is always to be read -ấyia): daks-áyya- 'to be conciliated'; pan-áyya- 'to be admired'; vid-áyya- 'to be 1 The form -sir-ta- is also found in the MS.: WHITNEY, Roots, s. v. Vy- 'crush'. 2 Cp. the -t added to roots ending in -i, -u, - to form nominal stems (308). 3 The meaning is uncertain: WHITNEY translates the word by 'borrowed'. See his notes in his Translation. 4 Cp. GRASSMANN, >. V. 5 Cp. LINDNER, Nominalbildung 22; DEL- BRÜCK, Verbum 233; WHITNEY 966 c; BAR- THOLOMAE, BB. 15, 179 n. 1; BB. 20, 85.