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III. Accent. Accentuation of Nominal Stems. 87

(VS. AV.) 'son of Daksa', and the fem. ramayani- (AV.) 'daughter of the Black one'. The derivative uksanyayana-, N. of a man, is unique both in accentuation and absence of Vrddhi.

5. The suffix -ayi occurs accented on the first syllable only in agn-Ayi- 'wife of Agni'; vrsakap-ayi- (RV.) 'wife of Vrsakapi', occurring in the voc. only, is unaccented.

6. The suffix -ayya- forming gerundival adjectives is always accented on its first syllable; e. g. pan-Ayya- 'to be admired'.

7. Derivatives formed with the suffix -/ and Vrddhi, being almost exclusively patronymics, always accent the first syllable; thus sgnives-i- 'son of Agnivesa', pdurukuts-i- 'descendant of Purukutsa', prdtardan-i- 'descendant of Pratardana', prahrad-i- (AV.) 'son of Prahrada', sdmvaran-i- 'descendant of Samvarana'. Similarly formed and accented is sarath-i- 'charioteer' (from sa-rdtha-m 'on the same chariot'). Two other words, formed without Vrddhi, take the secondary -i: tdpus-i- 'burning' {tdptis- 'heat') and, accented on the final syllable, sucant-i-, N. of a man.

8. The very frequent suffix -in forming possessive adjectives is always accented; e. g. asv-in- 'possessing horses', dhan-in- 'wealthy'; manis-in- 'wise'; abhimat-in- 'insidious'. The adjective sak-in- 'powerful' occurs once accented on the first syllable: sAk-T (i. 51*); the accentuation of this form and of the two nominatives (each occurring once) ir-i 'violent' and sdr-i 'speeding' is perhaps due to error.

9. The accentuation of the suffix -ima^ which is attached to three stems in -tra- and to one in -ra, varies: khanitr-ima- 'made by digging', krtr-ima- 'artificial', putr-ima- (AV.) 'purified'; agr-imd- 'foremost'.

10. The suffix -iya is regularly accented either on its first or its second syllable; e. g. abhr-iya- and abhr-iyd- 'derived from the clouds' {abhrd-), ksatr-iya- 'having authority' {ksatrd-), amitr-iya- 'inimical' iamitra- 'foe'); agr- iyd- 'foremost', indr-iyd- 'belonging to Indra'. The only exceptions are ftv-iya- (AV.) 'being in season' {rtu-), beside rtv-iya-, and srotr-iya- (AV.) 'learned' (Jrotra- 'learning').

11. Derivatives with the feminine suffix -T commonly accent the same syllable as the corresponding masculines (except oxytones); e. g. bhdvant-i- 'being', m. bhdvant-. But the feminine in -i from masculines in -a that are not accented on the final syllable usually accents the -T (and follows the radical t- declension) ; e. g. rath-i- 'charioteer' (m. f.) from rdtha- 'chariot'. The -f is also accented when it forms the fem. of masc. oxytones in -u, e. g. p_rtAv-i- 'hxoa.d' {prih-u-) ' .-ant, e.g. usat-i- 'desiring' (us-dnt-); in -tdr, e.g. avitr-i- 'protectress' {avi-tdr-}; in -anc taking Samprasarana, e. g. pratic-i- 'facing' (praty-dnc-). The fem. in -T from masc. oxytones in -a sometimes retains the accent on the suffix, e. g. devi- 'goddess' {devd- 'god'), but more usually throws it back on the first syllable, e. g. drus-i- 'ruddy' (arum-).

12. The suffix -ina is generally accented on its first syllable, rarely on its last; e. g. apac-ina- 'western', samvatsar-ina- 'annual'; pratic-ind- 'turned towards'. The suffix is unaccented only in mAk-Tna- (RV.) 'mine'.

13. The suffix -Tya is always accented on its first syllable; e. g. arjTk- lya- a kind of Soma vessel, ahavan-iya- (AV.) 'sacrificial fire', grhamedh-iya- 'relating to the domestic sacrifice', parvat-iya- (AV.) 'mountainous'. Similarly in the ordinals dvit-iya- 'second', trt-iya- 'third', tur-iya- 'fourth'.

14. The suffix -ena is accented on the final in its only occurrence in the feminine form satnidh-eni- 'relating to fuel' {samidh-).

15. The suffix -e/J/a, nearly always forming gerundives, regularly accents