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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. its first syllable; e. g. drś-énya- 'worthy to be seen'. The only exception is vár-enya- 'desirable'. Similarly accented are the ordinary adjectives vīr-énya- 'manly' (vīrá-) and kīrt-énya- ‘famous' (kīrtí- 'fame'). 16. Derivatives formed with the suffix -eya and Vṛddhi accent the final syllable when they have a patronymic sense, but otherwise the first; e. g. ārş-eyá- 'descendant of a seer' (şi-), but páurus-eya- 'relating to man' (puruşa-). The analogy of the gerundive from roots ending in -a, which is formed with -eya (e. g. déya- 'to be given'), is followed by didrks-éya- 'worth seeing' (didyksá-) and sabh-éya- 'fit for an assembly' (sabhá-). 17. Derivatives formed with -ka are variously accented. Those which have a diminutive sense regularly accent the suffix; e. g. arbha-ká- ‘small', kanīna-ká-¹ 'youth', kumāra-ká- 'little boy'. Otherwise the accent sometimes remains on the same syllable as in the primitive; e. g. ánta-ka- 'making an end (ánta-), yuşmá-ka- ‘your' (yuşmá-); or it shifts to the suffix, e. g. anya-ká- 'other' (anyá-), sana-ká- ‘olď (sána-); or to the first syllable, e. g. rúpa-ka- (AV.) 'having an assumed form' (rūpá- ‘form'). 18. The rare suffix -ta is regularly accented: eka-tá- (VS.) 'First', dvi-tá- 'Second', tri-tá- "Third as Proper Names, ava-tá- 'well', muhur-tá- 'moment'. 19. Derivatives formed with the suffix -tana or its syncopated form -tna are variously accented: ni-tana- and nú-tna- 'present', sanā-tána- (AV.) and saná-tna- (AV.) 'lasting', pra-tná- 'ancient'. 88 20. The suffix -tama when forming superlatives is hardly ever accented ², the primitive nearly always retaining its original accent; e. g. tavás-tama-3 'very strong'. But when it forms ordinals the final syllable is accented; e. g. sata-tamá- 'hundredth'. 21. A few adjectives formed with -taya from numerals meaning 'consisting of so many parts', accent the primitive: cátus-ṭaya- (AV.) 'fourfold', dása-taya- 'tenfold'. 22. The suffix -tara forming comparatives is hardly ever accented, the primitive retaining its original accent; e. g. rathi-tara- ‘better car-fighter'. An exception is vrtra-tára- 'a worse Vṛtra'. 23. Derivatives formed with -tà regularly accentuate the syllable preceding the suffix; e. g. a-gó-tā- ‘want of cows', devá-tā- ‘divinity', puruṣá-tā- ‘human nature'. The only exception is a-vira-ta- 'want of sons'. 24. Derivatives formed with -tāti and -tāt have the same accentuation as those formed with -tā; e. g. a-riṣṭá-tāti- ‘security', devá-tāti- ‘divinity', sám- tāti- 'good fortune'. The accent is exceptional in ásta-tāti- 'home' and dáksa- tāti- (AV.) 'cleverness'. 25. The suffix -tya, forming nouns from particles, is never accented: ápa-tya- n. ‘offspring', amá-tya- 'companion', ávis-tya- 'manifest', ni-tya- ‘own', nis-tya- 'foreign', sánu-tya- 'secret'. When attached to the substantive ap- 'water' it is, however, accented: ap-tyá- and ap-tyá- 'watery'. 26. The suffix -tva is invariably accented; e. g. amṛta-tvá- 'immortality', pati-tvá- 'matrimony'. 27. The very rare suffix -tva-tā is accented on its first syllable: işita- tvátā- 'excitement, puruşa-tvátā- 'human nature'. 28. The suffix -tvana is always accented on its final syllable; e. g. kavi- tvaná 'wisdom', pati-tvaná- 'matrimony', sakhi-tvaná- 'friendship'. 1 Accented kaninaka- in the VS. The fem. tamá- 'highest', sasvat-tamá- 'most frequent' in the RV. is kaninaka- but in the AVI. | (with the ordinal accent). kanínikā-. 3 It is shifted in mṛḍayát-tama- 'showing great compassion' (mrdáyat-). Cp. below 89. 2 Except puru-táma- ‘very many' and ut-