Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/265

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Some Members of the Village Church.

cepted the call of his Church, and is now the President of the Anglo-Korean College, Songdo, Korea.

Mr. Pak. — Now let me present my fellow-worker, Mr. Pak. You may see him, but he cannot see you, because he has been totally blind from childhood.

At the age of twelve he was sent by his parents to learn the business of a sorcerer, his teachers being blind men. He was very bright and made rapid progress in his profession, which he was practicing for a living when he first heard the name of Jesus, which was about a dozen years ago. He was doing well from a business standpoint, and was not in need of a change of doctrine for the sake of getting a better living. He had married a bright young girl some years before, and was getting on nicely. His wife, unlike most of her sisters, could read, and so became a great help to him, as, will be seen.

The new Jesus doctrine appealed to Mr. Pak, and he decided to accept and believe it. His mind once made up, he destroyed all his paraphernalia used in capturing and expelling evil spirits, and at once became a devout student of the Scriptures as recorded in the four Gospels and the Acts, which were all the books of the New Testament that had at that time been translated and printed. His wife would read to him, and he committed to memory, verse by verse and chapter by chapter, till he could repeat all of the four Gospels and the Acts. He had been a Christian less than three years when I met him for the first time; he could then quote any verse in these five books. It was only necessary to name the figures, with the name of the book,