Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/266

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Village Life in Korea.

and he would recite at once, as Matthew x. 5, Acts xx. 15, etc. As fast as other portions of the New Testament were published he memorized them also.

He is not only able to recite Scripture, but he is able also to apply it and teach his fellow-men to believe it. He gave up all his means of support when he accepted Christ, and after he had proved himself so apt in the use of the Word he was employed as a colporteur at four dollars a month. He is still in the same work, and has had a small raise in his wages. He has during these years walked thousands of miles and sold thousands of portions of the Scriptures, preached to thousands of people, and led many of them to accept Christ as their Saviour.

Mrs. Pak. — Mrs. Pak, no relative of the above Mr. Pak, is now a Bible woman working under the direction of Mrs. Moose. She was about fifty years old when she heard for the first time the name of Jesus. She lived with her husband in a village hid away in the mountains, seventy-five miles from the nearest missionary. She heard the gospel from a native colporteur and decided to believe. She could not read, but her desire to know more of the truth led her to learn to read, and in a short while she could read quite well. I remember how she used to go ahead of me when I read the Scriptures in her home, and quote the verse that I was reading. She had been a Christian for many months before she ever saw a foreign missionary. I had the pleasure of baptizing her and her husband some three years after the gospel had first been preached to them by a native, as above stated.