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being tormented day after day by count- less afflictions, and sorely troubled by the tiger of Egoism.

[ Sleep — of Nescience, which also creates the

  • dream,' two lines further on.

Forest — i. e. diHicult to come through.

Day after day : It is a well-known fact that even a short dream may, to the dreamer's mmd, appear as extending over years. ]

519. Salutation to thee, O Prince of Teachers, thou unnamable Greatness, that art ever the same, and dost manifest thyself as this universe, — thee I salute!

[ Greatness &c. — The Guru is addressed as Brahman Itself by the grateful disciple. Hence the use of epithets applicable to Brahman. Com- pare the salutation IMantram of the Guru-Gita : " The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is Shiva, the God of Gods. The Guru verilv is the Supreme Brahman. Salutations to that ado- rable Guru!"]

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