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520. Seeing- the worthy disciple who had attained the Bliss of the Self, realised the Truth, and was glad at heart, thus pros- trating himself, that noble, ideal Teacher again addressed the following excellent words:

521. The nniverse is an unbroken series of perceptions of Brahman,, hence it is in- all respects nothing but Brahman, See this- with the eye of illr&mination and a serene mind, under all circumstances. Is one who- has eyes ever found to see all around anything else but forms? Similarly, what is there except Brahman to engage the intellect of a man of reali- sation?

[ Sei'ies ......Brahman- — Existence^. KncHvIedge,

and Bliss which are the Essence of Brahman can be found, upon analysis, as underlying, every per- ception of ours. By another way of reasoning,, the world is simply Brahman seen through a veil of name and form, which are contFibuted by th«  mind. It is X +miQdy as Swami Vivekananda has put it.

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