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149. Covered by the sheaths like the' material one and the rest, which are the' products of Its own power, the Self ceases ^ to appear, like the water of a tank by its^ acctimulation of sedge.

\^The sheaths &'c. — See note on Sloka i?5. They are called sheaths as they are coverings over the Atraan which manifests Itself through them. From the Afinamaya to the Anandainaya the' sheaths are gradually finer and finer. Knowledge consists in going beyond them all by means of regulated practiceand coming face to face, as it were, with the Atman. ]


��150. On the removal of - that sedge the i)erfectly pure water, that allays the pangs- of thirst and gives immediate joy, appears- unobstructed before the man.

[ The water is not something that is to be pro- cured from anywhere else, it is already there : only the obstructions have to be removed. So in the- case of 'Atman also. ]

151 . When all the five sheaths have been eliminated, the Self of man appears — pure, of the essence of everlasting and un-

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