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alloyed bliss, indwelling, supreme, and self -effulgent.

\ Eliminated — Discriminated as being other than the Self.

Indwelling — dwelling within the heart of all. ]

152. To remove his bondage the wise man should discriminate between the Self and non-Self. By that alone he comes to know his own Self as Existence-Knowl- edge-Bliss x\bsolute, and becomes happy.

153. He is free who discriminates be- tween all sense-objects and the indwelling, unattached and inactive Self, as one sepa- rates a stalk of grass from its enveloping sheath, and merging everything in It remains in a state of identity with That.

\_All se?ise-ol)jects — specially the body and its D'gans.

Inactive — the Witness of all activity

A stalk of grass &c. — Compare Katha Upanishad, IL iii. 17.

Merging &€. — Knowing that only the Atman manifests Itself through name and form. ]

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