Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/106

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H. E. 8.14.8. Isid. Pel. Epist. 5.561 = 1637 C Migne. Heliod. Aeth. 6.1. [Luc.] Philop. 37. Schol. Ar. Ran. 78. Grenfell and Hunt, New Class. Fragments 7(a)2 (IIIa).

ὠμόγραυς 979 K. Cf. ὠμογέρων Il. 23.791.

Words intentionally omitted.

I have purposely omitted the following words:

βαπτίζω, because διαβαπτίζομαι occurs in Demosthenes.

θηρίκλειος, a kind of goblet, named from its designer.

λιτυέρσης, a hymn, said to have been named from Lityerses, a bastard son of Minos.

μωρός (instead of Attic μῶρος). As in the case of τρόπαιον, q. v., it is practically impossible to distinguish the accent in Menander and contemporary writers.

ὄφις, ἁλύσιον, and πέλεκυς, used by Menander to denote pieces of jewelry. The words are good Attic in their usual meanings.

πέφηνας· τὸ εἴρηκας. Μένανδρος. Photius. I accept the emendation of Kock: "᾽πέφηνας, i. e. ἀπέφηνας."

Corrections of Liddell and Scott.

καλαθίσκος in Menander (1018 K.) does not mean "a kind of dance"; the words of Hesychius are καλαθίσκος· εἶδος ὀρχήσεως. καὶ σκεῦος γυναικεῖον παρὰ Μενάνδρῳ.

In L. and S., s. v. φθόη, we read "Attic word for φθίσις, q. v."; and s. v. φθίσις, fin., "acc. to Galen., the more Att. word was φθόη." The reference is to XVII (1) p. 116 Kühn: ἣν ἰδίως ὀνομάζουσιν οἱ Ἕλληνες καὶ μάλιστ᾽ αὐτῶν οἱ Ἀθηναῖοι φθόην, ταύτην νῦν ὁ Ἱπποκράτης ὠνόμασε φθίσιν κτλ. But cf. XIX p. 419 Kühn διαφέρει φθίσις φθόης. φθίσις μὲν γάρ ἐστιν ἡ λεγομένη κοινῶς πᾶσα σώματος μείωσίς τε καὶ σύντηξις, φθόη δὲ ἡ ἰδίως ἐφ᾽ ἕλκει σύντηξίς τε καὶ μείωσις τοῦ σώματος. The words are therefore not synonymous.