Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/107

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I append a table showing the number of words in the above list used by the authors who employ five or more of them. Of the whole list of 377 [+5], οὐθείς, τρόπαιον, and the bracketed words (5) are not included in these figures. Numbers in brackets denote words found in spurious writings sometimes ascribed to these writers, but not occurring in the genuine works; these figures are not included in the authors' totals. The figures are of course not complete; for the writers to whom we have no full word-indices; see above, p. 7.

Plutarch 125 Rhetores Graeci 18
Lucian [8]70 Synesius 18
Middle and New Comedy 69 O T, other versions 17
Lxx 69 Aretaeus 16
Aristotle [12]54 Aristides 15
Inscriptions 52 Heliodorus 15
Papyri 51 Aristeas 13
Alciphron 41 Diogenes Laertius 13
Diodorus 40 Herodian 13
Latin Writers 40 Dio Chrysostomus 11
Plato [5]39 Chariton 11
Theophrastus 39 Justinus 11
Polybius 39 Hierocles 10
Dionysius Hal. 36 Herodotus 9
Aelian 36 Theocritus 9
Anthology 35 Epiphanius 9
New Testament 35 Eunapius 9
Philo Judaeus 32 Marcus Diaconus 9
Galen 32 Homer 8
Origen 32 Dioscorides 8
Xenophon 31 Hero Alexandrinus 7
Strabo 29 Longus 7
Clemens Alexandrinus 28 Libanius 7
Geoponica 28 Themistius 7
Josephus 27 Pindar 6
Arrian [2]27 Pseudo-Demosthenes 6
Hippocrates [2]24 Babrius 6
Iamblichus 24 Cornutus 6
Philostratus Maior 23 Hippolytus 6
Eusebius 23 Philostratus Minor 6
Marcus Antoninus 22 Orphica 6
Cassius Dio 22 Teles 5
Artemidorus 21 Tatian 5
Philodemus 20 Achilles Tatius 5
Proclus Diadochus 19 Gregorius Nazianzenus 5
N T Apocrypha 18 Pappus 5
Sextus Empiricus 18 Nonnus 5
Athenaeus 18