Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/23

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Total 63, of which 2 (ἀπόδημος and κοιτών) are approved elsewhere.

It is difficult to classify accurately such cases as Συν. λεξ. χρησ. ap. Bekk. Anecd. 423.9 and Suid. s. v. ἀπέφησεν· ἀντὶ τοῦ ἀντεῖπε. Μένανδρος. The use of ἀντί may be taken to imply that Menander employed ἀπέφησε where he should have had ἀντεῖπε; i.e. where ἀντεῖπε was the correct Attic word, and hence ἀπέφησε was not strictly correct. Obscure as this instance is, the problem is still further complicated by instances like Eust. 809.42 παρὰ Αἰλίῳ Διονυσίῳ κεῖται τὸ λυκοφιλίως ἀντὶ τοῦ ὑπόπτως, ὑπούλως κτλ., and Phot. λυκοφιλίως· ὑπόπτως, ὑπούλως. οὕτω Μένανδρος. The latter is the usual way of defining a word which would be unfamiliar to the average reader; i.e. the lemma is cited as being used in the meaning of the other word or words. It is impossible, therefore, to decide whether in the first citation the two expressions are merely synonymous and Eustathius is not condemning Menander, or Photius has copied his original in a more abridged fashion. Again, compare Moer. 48 ἀκκισμός, Ἀττικῶς, προσποίησις, Ἑλληνικῶς, with Hesych. ἀκκισμός· προσποίησις. In Moeris the phrasing would seem to indicate disapproval of the word προσποίησις, yet this disapproval is not reproduced in Hesychius. Further, note the following examples: Phot. p. 257 N. ἡκόντων· ἀντὶ τοῦ ἡκέτωσαν.—Id. p. 309 N. καλοῦμεν· ἀντὶ τοῦ καλέσομεν, where ἡκόντων and καλοῦμεν are the regular Attic forms, as Photius must have known. Clearly the use of ἀντί cannot be regarded as expressing either approval or disapproval. I shall therefore merely mention the additional instances of this use of ἀντί in connection with words which appear in Menander but not in good Attic. Obviously there can be no words which the grammarians explain by ἀντί τινος with the possible implication that they were not good Attic, that do not appear in my list. The list follows:

ἀνατρέχω = ἀναλύω, βαθύς = πονηρός, ἐξαλλάττω = τέρπω, ἐσχάτως = ἀκρῶς, κιγκλισμός = τάραχος, λυκοφίλιος = ὕποπτος, παθαίνομαι = πάθους μεταλαμβάνω, πατάγημα = λάλος, πανοῦργος, ὑπόθεσις = ὑποθήκη. Total 9, of which 1 (ἐξαλλάττω) is censured elsewhere, and 2 (ἐσχάτως and παθαίνομαι) approved.

On the other hand we also find in Menander many words which are specifically mentioned by grammarians as Attic and are contrasted with others called "Hellenic" or "Koine". This