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has been noticed by Bruhn,[1] but he seems to attach too much importance to the fact. For "even Menander", though guilty of sacrilege against the holy Attic dialect, would not always use the word which was later put under the ban. These words as a class do not come within the scope of this study as outlined above. The following list includes all words recommended as good which fail to appear in what we have left of the accepted writers.

ἄβρα: Hesych.

ἀγαπησμός: (Favorinus[2]) ; Phot. Berol.

ἀγγαρεύω: Phot. Berol.; Suid.

ἀνάδοχος: Hesych.; Suid.

ἀνεμιαῖος: Moer.; Th. M.

ἀντάλλαγος: Anon. ap. Bekk. Anecd.; Phot. Berol.; Suid.

ἀπόδημος: Poll.; condemned by Moeris and Thomas Magister.

αὐθέκαστος: Phryn.

γαστρίζω: Phryn.; Th. M.

δημιουργός: Schol. in Ar. Eq. 650; Suid.; Etym. Magn.; Ael. Dion. ap. Eust.

δίθυρος: Hesych. s. v. θυρίς; Poll.

ἐσχάτως: Phryn.; Th. M.

ζωπυρέω: Moer.; Th. M.

θεραπαινίδιον: Th. M.

κλαυμυρίζομαι: Phot.

κοιτίς: Anon. ap. Cram. Anecd. Ox.; Etym. Magn.; Etym. Gud.; Suid.

κοιτών[3]: Poll.; condemned by Phrynichus.

λέμφος: Ammon.

μάγαρον: Ael. Dion. ap. Eust.; Phot.

μισογύνης: Poll.; Moer.

νεόττιον: Hesych.; form of word only, Phryn.; Th. M.

  1. L. c. p. 69 f. "Ich glaube einerseits gezeigt zu haben, dass die Sprache des Menander nicht die strenge Verurteilung des Phrynichus verdient, vielmehr, im ganzen genommen, als Quelle der reinen Atthis, besonders der attischen Umgangssprache gelten kann. Wesentlich ist hier der Gebrauch vieler Wörter, die von den Grammatikern als spezifisch attisch bezeichnet werden." The occasional use of a good Attic word does not help to prove that Menander wrote pure Attic.
  2. ἀγαπησμός is approved by Favorinus according to a quotation in the Thes. Ling. Graec.; but I have been unable to find the reference in Dindorf's edition of Favorinus. See chap. III below, s. v.
  3. The word κοιτών was clearly used by Menander, but apparently only to condemn it; see Poll. 1.79: εἰ γὰρ καὶ Μένανδρος αὐτὸ βαρβαρικὸν οἴεται, ἀλλ᾽ Ἀριστοφάνης ὁ κωμῳδοδιδάσκαλος (=fr. 6K.) τὰ τοιαῦτα πιστότερος εἰπὼν αὐτοῦ ἐν Αἰολοσίκωνι.