Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/70

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Luc. Pisc. 17. Alciphr. 4.8.1; 4.9.1. Cass. D. 60.18.3. Eunap. p. 84 Boiss. Synes. Ep. 4 p. 166 D.

θεραπευτικός 402.15 K. Plat. Polit. 275 E; 282 A; al. Xen. Hell.; Ages. 8.1. Arist. Pol. 7.16.1335 b 7. Plut. at least 20 times; e. g. Vit. 256 B; 434 B. Ael. V. H. 4.10. Aristid. I p. 183.2 Jebb. Galen II p. 645 Kühn; XIX p. 352. Origen I p. 117.17 Koetschau; 255.14; al. Longin. ap. Walz, Rhet. Gr. IX p. 562.17. Euseb. H. E. 3.4.6; 7.32.23. Hierocl. p. 73.25 Gaisf. Sophist. Anon. Protr. 10 Bohler.

θεσμοφοριαδίς fr. Z 13 Körte2 p. 98. The word is not in the lexicons. The meaning seems to be "a woman celebrating the Thesmophoria". Cf. σκιραδίς. Van Leeuwen (Mnemos. 40 [1912] p. 136) reads θεσμοφόρια δὶς τίθει, σκίρα δίς.

Θρασυλέων title of a play p. 69 K. Alciphr. 4.19.19. C I G 2448.5 proper name (Thera).

θρίψ 540.5 K. Theophr. H. P. 5.4.4; 5.4.5. Polyb. 6.10.3. Plut. Mor. 49 B; 924 A. Straton ap. A. P. 12.190. Plin. N. H. 16.220. Marc. Capell. 2.164. But the occurrence of the compound θριπήδεστος Ar. Thesm. 427 is a sufficient guarantee of the use of the word in Attic. We cannot regard it as a Koine-element.

ἰάλεμος 236 K.: ὁτὰν δ᾽ ἐρῶντος τόλμαν ἀφέλῃς οἴχεται, | εἰς τοὺς ἰαλέμους τε τοῦτον ἔγγραφε. Moer. 190 ἰάλεμος Ἀττικῶς. σημαίνει δὲ τὸν θρῆνον καὶ τὸν ψυχρὸν ἄνθρωπον. 199 ἰάλεμον, τὸν ἔκλυτον, Ἑλληνικῶς. See also Th. M. 188; Zenob. 4.39. Theocr. 15.98. Luc. Pseudol. 24.

ἱεροπρεπής 130.3 K. Xen. Symp. 8.40. [Plat.] Theag. 122 D. Lxx 4 Macc. 9.25; 11.20. Strab. 12.5.3. Philo I p. 658 M.; Creat. Mund. 33.99. Berosus ap. Joseph. C. Ap. 1.19.8. NT Tit. 2.3. Plut. Mor. 11 C. Luc. Vit. Auct. 6; Sacrif. 13. Cass. D. 56.46.4. Origen IV p. 215.29 Preuschen. Philostr. Min. Imag. p. 401.3 K. Iambl. Myster. p. 201.6 Parthey. Euseb. I p. 253.10 Heikel. Orph. Lith. 100. Georg. ap. Walz, Rhet. Gr. I p. 590.5. C I G 3047.23 (Teos); 2270.21 (Delos). Inscr. Priene 109.216 Hiller (c. 120 B.C.).

ἱππόκαμπος 831 K. Strab. 8.7.2. Diosc. 2.3. Ael. N. A. 14.20. Galen XII p. 362 Kühn. Philostr. Mai. Imag. 1.8. Plin. N. H. 32.9(39).93; 32.149; 36(4).26.

ἱστάριον 142 K. Joan. Mosc. p. 2913 A Migne.