Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/71

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ἱστεών Sam. 19 Körte. Phryn. 166L., 252R. ἱστὼν λέγε, ἀλλὰ μὴ ἱστεών. ἁμαρτήσει γὰρ τῷ λέγοντι ὁμοίως καλαμεών, ἱππεών, ἀνδρεών, δέον καλαμών, ἱππών, καὶ τὰ ὅμοια. Poll. 7.28 ὁ ἱστών . . . βέλτιον δὲ ὁ ἱστεών. Rutherford l. c. says: "The longer forms came into the Common dialect from the Ionic."

καθάρειος 501 K. = Phasm. fr. 2 Körte; 841 K. Both are emendations; the former of Cobet, Nov. Lect. p. 78, the latter of Meineke. In either place -ιος will fit the metre as well as -ειος. -ειος vouched for by Choerob. ap. Cram. An. Ox. II 231.24 and Hdn. Techn. II 528.24 Lentz. According to L. and S. the form in -ιος is never found to be necessary for the metre, whereas -ειος is required in: Ephipp. 15.3 K. Eubul. 110 K. Nicostr. (or Philetaer.) 6.2. K. The reading is usually καθάριος, however, except in the following passages: Xen. Cyr. 1.3.8 where edd. vary. Polyb. 11.9.5 corr. Schweigh. Philodem. Rhet. II p. 150.8 Sudhaus. Strab. 3.154. Diod. 5.33.5; 46.2 both restorations. Dub. in Clem. Al. Paed. 2.110.1; 3.55.2. Hierocl. p. 109.20,22 Gaisf.; al. καθαρειότης: Inscr. Sel. Or. Gr. Ditt. 329.9 (Aegina, IIa); 339.14 (Sestus, c. 125 B.C.); 439.6 (Olympia). I G III 11 1.9. The reading -ιος is found: Plat. Epin. 984 A. Arist. Rhet. 2.4.1381 b 1; H. A. 9.40.626 a 24. Theophr. fr. 1.48 -ιότης. Polyb. 6.3.4; 15.5.5. Arr. Diss. Epict. 3.1.44, 45, al. Luc. D. Deor. 5.4. Clem. Al. locc. cit. For a discussion of the two forms see Cobet, Nov. Lect. pp. 77 ff., 691; van Herwerden Lex. Gr. Suppl.2 s. v.

κακοδαιμονέω Kolax 34 Körte: κακοδαι]μονοῦντα; supplied by Leo. Phryn. 79L., 152R. κακοδαιμονεῖν· οὕτως οἱ νόθως ἀττικίζοντες. Ἀθηναῖοι γὰρ διὰ τοῦ α, κακοδαιμονᾶν λέγουσιν. Nuñez, followed by Lobeck and Rutherford, says: κακοδαιμονεῖν = infortunatum esse; κακοδαιμονᾶν = insanire. See the full discussion of Rutherford. Cf. Th. M. 201.5. Xen. Hiero 2.4. Codd. ap. Dem. 8.16; em. to -ᾶν, as context demands. Dion. H. A. R. 3.11.7. Philo II 163. Joseph. B. J. 1.431 vulg. Plut. Mor. 76 A; 1042 B, D; al. Arr. Diss. Epict. 1.25.13. Marc. Ant. 2.8. Diog. L. 6.71. Sext. Emp. Adv. Math. 7.12. Epist. Socrat. 9.

κακοηθεύομαι Epitr. 334 Körte. Hesych. ἐγκιλικίζεται· κακοηθεύεται. κακοποιεῖ. Etym. Magn. 234.46. Schol. Ar. Lys. 313: ἐκακοηθεύσατο πρὸς τὸν δῆμον.