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are ready to wage war against us in the name of Louis XVI. From the recesses of his prison Louis fights us, and yet we still ask whether he is guilty, we still ask whether he may be treated as an enemy? I do not believe that the Republic is a word that can be trifled with, I do not believe that the Republic exists to be made sport of. The thing that is now being done is the best method of restoring the monarchy.

The Constitution is invoked in defense of Louis. I shall not take up all the arguments; let me simply say: to be sure, the Constitution forbids everything you have done so far. Be sure of that, in fact, you have no right to hold the King a prisoner; on the other hand, he has the right to demand his immediate liberation, not to mention compensation. The Constitution condemns you! Act accordingly, gentlemen; prostrate yourselves before Louis XVI and crave his mercy!

I, for my part, would be ashamed to trifle with these hairsplitting distinctions; I should leave this mode of treatment to the courts in London, Vienna and Berlin. Such distinctions are a scandal.

It is said this trial is a tremendous business, one requiring judicious and thoughtful treatment. But it is you who are giving it this great importance. In fact, it is you who have made a big thing of it, only you! What is so important about it? Are there any difficulties? No! Is it the personality