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involved? In the eyes of freedom there is no smaller individual. In the eyes of humanity there is none more reprehensible. This man can inspire only those with respect who stand even lower than he. Is it the necessity of the result, the fear of the result? Very well then, we should have only one more reason to accelerate the result. After all, what is the reason for these eternal discussions, and for your doubts? Are you afraid of injuring the feelings of the people? Know then, that the people fear nothing else than the cowardice and ambition of their representatives! The people are not a horde of slaves who are stupidly chained to the tyrant whom they themselves have overthrown. You urge that we consider public opinion, the general opinion? If this public opinion is mistaken, it is for you to correct it. Do you fear the kings allied against you? If you wish them to defeat you, you have only to give them the impression that you fear them. To be sure of suffering defeat, you need only to show some respect to the accomplices, the allies, of the fallen kings! Are you perhaps afraid of the foreign nations? If so, you are merely giving evidence of your belief in the existence of an innate affection for tyranny. What is the cause of your ambition to liberate mankind? How can you explain the contradiction involved in your belief that the nations who were not horrified at the proclamation of the Rights of Man would be shocked by the punishment of one of the greatest