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with France and England were not on a much better footing; for both had offended them by acknowledging the independence of Texas, and assisting her with means, the latter making herself besides obnoxious by pressing for the fulfilment of pecuniary obligations.[1]

  1. Fresh claims for injury to English residents were accumulating. At a public ball an English flag, taken from the Texans, had been exhibited as a trophy, notwithstanding the protest of the minister, and the latter had also offended by transmitting a letter from Texas, unwittingly it was claimed, containing an offer of five millions for the recognition of that state, with a bribe for the minister who could manage to pass the project. Santa Anna's virtuous indignation at the proposal was manifested in Diario Gob., xxii. no. 2433; Bustamante, Hist. Santa Anna, 41-2, 240. Thompson justly scouts the supposed influence of England in Mexico. Recoll. Mex., 236-8. The Belize boundary was also a cause for trouble. The commission appointed in 1830 for determining the line had been unable to attend to the task, owing to the Yucatan war. Méx., Mem. Rel., 1840, 2; Soc. Mex. Geog., Bolet., iii. 239 The French had been offended by steps taken against their consul at Vera Cruz for corresponding with Yucatec rebels. A treaty of commerce with the Hanseatic towns was effected on June 27, 1842. Dublan and Lozano, Leg. Мех., iv. 227.

    The following authorities have also been consulted in the preparation of the three preceding chapters: Méx., Col. Leyes Fund., 219-27; Id., Col. Ley. y Dec., 1830, passim; 1840, 250-61, 376-439, 488-786, 820; 1841, 22-4, 54, 61, 81-06, 119-61, 188-9; 1844-6, 552-4, 577-92; Id., Mem. Relac., MS., 1839, 1-16; Id., Mem. Мinist. Int., 1838, 2-6; Id., Меm. Насіеnda, 1838, 1-2; 1845, 1-77; 1870, 31, 1035-7; Id., Mem. Guerra, 1839, 27; 1840, 28, 40-7; 1841, 148, annexes nos 1-18; Estado Mayor Gral. Ejér., 2-7, 33-290; Arrillaga, Recop., 1838, 47, 92, 138, 214-17, 273-92, 400, 533-54; 1839, 3-11, 32-7, 70. 86, 94-105, 156, 170-4, 189, 204-5, 233, 258, 267-9, 307; May 1819-April 1830, 13; Bustamante, Gabinete Mex., i. 54-216, ii. 5-7, 39-248; Id., MS., i. 161, 216, 225, 349-51, 386, 444-9, 494-6, 554, ii. 243, 343-7, 355, 378, ii. 119-21, 143-9, 243-57, iv. 1-86; Id., Diario Mex., MS., xliii. 1-348, xliv. 3, xlv. 215-17, xlvi. 35, 96; Id., Hist. Sta Anna, 1-34; Id., MS., i. 89-01, 115-25; Id., Martirol., 8; Id., Cuad. Hist., viii. 163-4, 174; Id., Voz de la Patria, MS., xiv. 203-51, 296; Gonzalez, Hist. Aguascal., 1-12; Dublan and Lozano, Leg. Мех., iі. 482, 512-34, 564-82, 617-31, 675, 692-5, 727-30, iv. 6, 24, 29-36, 66-7, 76, 89, 227-33, 303; Informe Estrada-Empl. S. Blas, 15; Contreras, Garant. Individ., 1-36; El Tiеmро, Мау 6, 1846, 1; Мartin, Précis, 97-100; Bolet. Extraord. Ciudadela; Arrangoiz, Méj., ii. 240-55; Dubois, Le Mexique, 15-18; Filisola, Defensa, 1-28; Leon, Contest., 1-108; Canseco, Justa Represalia, 1-32; Fossey, Mex., 160-71, 253, 284-5, 507-20; Haro, Mem. Justif., 3-17; Caballero, Hist. Alm., 14-15; Quejas de los Mex., 1-8; Müller, Reisen in Mex., ii. 319-20; Micheltorena, Discurso; Lempriere's Notes in Mex., 42; Anal. Minist. Fom., ii. 462-70; Escalera y Llana, Mex. Hist.-descript., 55-68; Kennedy's Tex., ii 307-10, 352; Nouv. Annales Voy., lxxxvi. 119, lxxxvii 137-8, 1ххxix. 122, сv. 198-9; Мosaico Mex., i. 81-5, ii. 113-15; Вarbachano, Mem. Camp., 54-67; Norman's Rambles in Yuc., 224-35; Arista, Oficio, 1-46; Id., Manif, 1-16; Hunt's Merchants' Mag., xlv. 607; Nota del Minist. Bonilla sobre Patronato, MS., 1-20; Notic. del Editor sobre Establec. Oficio Escribanos, pp. i.-xxxiv.; Ober, Mexico, 427-8; Mendizabal, Represent. que al Congreso, 1-26; Álvarez, Manif., 5-23, 57-107, 121-32, 142-59; Diario Ofic., May 14, 15, 16, 22, 1879; Реñа, Revóquese esta Sancion, 1 1.; Мéх., Proy. de Reforma, 1840, 1-107; Ramirez, Voto Particul., 109-38; Estrada, Carta, 1-96; Id., Alg. Reflex., 1-80; Id., Impugn., 1-37; Gutierrez Estrada, Lettre de, 1-33; Ortega, Represent. que Dirige, 2 ll.; Vistazo Rápido, 5-10; San Miguel, Pandectas Hispano-Mej.; Amador, Las Garant. Indirid., 3-36; Diálogo Ocurrido,