Page:Vol 5 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/478

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summit simultaneously with Harney's force. The Mexicans in panic fled down to the Jalapa highway, and their guns were immediately turned upon them.

While this was occurring, the Americans, directing an assault against the Mexican left, sustained a serious reverse. Pillow, owing to the difficulties of the ground, though directed to make it as close as possible to the edge of the river, brought his men in front of the 2d battery.[1] The volunteers pressed forward at first with enthusiasm, but, being enfiladed by the battery resting on the ravine, and being embarrassed by the difficulty of the ground, were soon thrown into confusion, and after sustaining a severe loss, were repulsed, many of the men fleeing to the highway and escaping to camp.

But meanwhile the centre of the enemy had been pierced, and his camp taken. Shields had been sent forward, and with his command approached the camp by the rear through the tangled brushwood. Arriving in front of the battery, his men were severely cut up, and he fell dangerously wounded; but Colonel Baker, who succeeded him, deployed his men in skirmishing order, and the battery was carried.

Santa Anna, seeing that all was lost, had fled; Vasquez had fallen on Cerro Gordo; and Vega, Pinson, and Jarero, in spite of their success, recognized that their position was untenable. The howitzer on the south of the ravine was dropping its shells with deadly accuracy into the batteries, and, cut off from every chance of relief, there was no course left to them but surrender. A white flag was hoisted, and Scott, who was now on the Cerro Gordo, dictated his terms. Vega and his brother generals surrendered themselves as prisoners of war, and 3,000 men laid down their arms. Canalizo with the cavalry, though Santa Anna ordered him to charge the advancing Americans, retired without attempting to cover the retreat.

The victory of the Americans was complete. Santa

  1. Consult the plan.