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political events which took place in Mexico during the three years previous to the French intervention, condemning the action of the U. 8. with respect to Mexico, and disapproving of the sluggish action of his own nation, Spain. A second edition of the large work was issued in 1802.

Bazancourt (Baron de), Le Mexique Conlemporain. Paris, 1802, 12mo, 388 pp., map. A brief history of Mexico under republican rule, chiefly with a view to explain the causes and need for the allied intervention of 1801-2. The latter episode occupies the last ICO pages. The remaining pages, from 71 to 285, relate to the republican rule from 1821 to 18GO. The previous pages are occupied with the revolution and conquest. The book is too brief in its outline to be of value for any but the intervention period.

Evarislo Escalera and Manuel Gonzalez Llana, Méjico Histórico-Descriptivo, Seguido de la Crónica Miiitar de la Espedicion Española. Madrid, 1802, Svo, pp. 330. An historical and descriptive account of the Mexican republic from a Spanish point of view. The revolution is briefly sketched; the rela tions with the U. S. are more fully entered into. Nearly one half of the volume is devoted to description of the country, its people and productions.

Fuller references for the last five chapters are: Cortes, Diario Senado, i.Cortés, Diario Senado, i.ii. passim; Id., Diario Congreso, i. passim, ii. 402-4, 754-5, 773, vi. passim; Romero, Hist. Intr. Europ., 24-00, 84-94, 180-9,225-30; Id., Basque jo Hist., 20; Id., Tabla Sinóp., 1-78; Id., Sit. Mex., 3-12; Suarez y Navarro, Informe, 20-8, 05-107, 132-70; Zamacois, Hist. Méj., xi. 1, 997-1009, xiir. 873-80, xiv. 308-12, 1002, xv. passim; Dublan and Lozano, Leg. Mex., ii. 185-90, iii. 1439, vii.-ix. passim, x. 23-4, 208, 770-7; Zarco, Hist. Congreso, f i.-ii. passim; Mex, Col. Leyett Fund., 315-22, 353-79; Id., Col. Ley., Dec. y Ord., iv. 31, vi. 102-3, 135-0, vii. 3-8, 12-13, 75, 84-5, 115, 134-5, 151, 187-95, viii. 37, 5800, 288-9, 299-300, 331-2; Id., Col. Leyes, 1801, i. 1-18, 201, ii. 19-00; Id., Legist. Mej., 1854-0, passim;, 1873, annex no. 2. 71-3; Id., Mem. Guerra, 1857, 1-134, and annexes 1-29; Id., Mem. Hacda, 1857, 3-13, annex no. 149, pp. 531-2; Id., 1868, annex no. 45, pp. 5-9; Id., 1870, passim; Id., Mem. Fomento, 1868, 6; Archivo Mex., Col. Leyes, i.-vi. pasbim; U. S. Govt Doc., Cong. 33, Ses. 1, H. Ex. 109; Sen. Jour., 920-1; H. Jour., 1082; Id., Cong. 35, Ses. 2, Sen. Jour., 017; Id., Cong. 30, Ses. 1, Sen. Jour., 9823, Sen. 29, 1-13, vol. ix.; H. Ex., Mess, and Doc., pt i. 13-18, 30-51, pt 1017, 354-80; Id., Cong. 30, Ses. 2, Sen. 1, 19-21, vol. i.; Id., Cong. 37, Ses. 2, Sen. 1, 50; H. Ex. 50, 100, 120; H. Jour., 1252; Id., Cong. 38, Ses. 2, Sen. 11, 33; Id., Cong. 39, Ses. 1, Sen. 17; H. Ex. 73, 70; Rivera, Hist. Jalapa, ii. 594, iii. 30, iv.-v. passim, vi. 828-9; Id., Gob. de Mex., ii. 435, 441, 453-042, 686; Id, Mex. Pint., 22, 27-8, 03-4, 220-7, 385-0; Rosa, Ensayo, 4-15; Raigosa, Negocio promov., 1-110; Rivero, Mex. en 1842, 110-18; Rosas Landa, Manifest., 164; Revelador fidedigno, 1-10; Mex., Revol. contra Sta Anna, passim; Id., Mex. Legacion Circ., i. 400-48. ii. 397; Id, Codigo Reforma, 378, 02-9, 187-8, 197-200, 202-3, 211-13, 338-41, 301-2. 398; La Razon, Dec. 1857-Jan. 1858, passim; Eco de Occidente, Apl. 13, 20, 27, May 2, 11, 1859; Lefevre, Le Mex. et l'Interv., passim; Id., Doc. Ofic. Maximo, i. 23-9, 40-57, 09-125, 135-77, ii. 314-31; Mex. Scraps, ii. 47, 50-7, 03, 455; Mex. y la Interv., 1-122; Mex., La Interv. Europ., 1-8; Mexique, L'Intervention Française (Paris, 1808), 1-29, 39-49, 59-120; Rosas, El Clero y las Revol., 1-11; Mex., Diario Ofic., Mich. 31, 1870, 1-3; Masseras, Essai d'Empire, 1-30; Cuadro Sintipt., fol. 3-7, in Vega, Doc.; Dicc. Univ. Hist. Geog., x. 751-2; Baz, Vida de Juarez, 51-93, 104-8, 120-35, 189-228; Id., Ley de 12 de Julio de 1859, 1131; Id., Manif., 1-10; Graham s Mag., xlvii. 309-70, 404-5, xlviii. 175, 403; Lazo Estrada, Oracion Civ., 1-10; Brocklehurst's Mex., 03-4; Dudas de tin Estud., 1-20; Martin, Precis, 109-372; El Español, Apl. 6, 20, 23, 1853; Coronado, Manif., 1-15; Nat. Dem. Quart. Rev., Mich. 1800, 230-40; Payne's Hid. Europ. Col, 310-17; Barbachano, Mem. Camp., 99-120, ap. 139-44; Escalera y Liana, Mex. Hist. Descript., 141-5; Nayarit, Los Pueblos del Est., 12; Estado Mayor Oral. Ejer., 2, 4; Hall's Life Max. 1st, 20-8, 04-7; El Constituc., Feb. 29, Apl. 13-14, June 8, 1808; Adorno, Anal. Males Mex., 3-32, 144-52; Gonzalez, Hist. Aguasc., 209-320; Id., Relac. Marcha Brigada, 1-16;