Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 3.djvu/11

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C O N r E N T S. CHAPTER IV. Ouitl/ifSaudzvic/i ijluiids — Part ccwpanyxcith the Chat/iam — Indiaiiwvs of land — Sec Tfchcrikoxo iJlanJ — Pafs Trinity ijla— Proceed along the lOi'JI — I'nicr and pr creed up Cook's river, . . . }^.j C M A P r E R V. Dan^ieroui p'luUwn nf the Jin p in conj'erjuemc of ire — Examiuaiiun of thr. upper part oj Cook's river —Its final termination provinf^ it to be only an ohj'ctvations, no (• II A P T V. R VI. Pajfiigc from Cook's inlet to Prince WilUaiiis found — Meet a large feet of canoes — Spring the boufpiit in a gale of-ifind — Carry away the forcyard — Arrive in port Chalmers — Survey of Prince WiUiains found by the boats — A violent florni — Vifted by a few Ruffians — Some account of their ejla- blifimcnts in the found — Chatham dijpatchcd to continue the furvcy of the coaf eafiward from cape Hinchinbrook — Afronovucal and nautical ob/ervations, -._.-- ITjO C II A P T E R VII. Quit Prince William's found — Geographical and other obfervations refpeci- in<r the adjacent country and its inhabitants — Proceed in the examination of the exterior coaf — Pafs port Mulgrave — Intelligence received of the furvey having been completed to that fation by the Chatham— Arrive m Crofs found— Joined by the Chatham there, - - 189 CHAPTER VI IT. Mr.PugcCs narrative of his iranfaclions and furvcy of the coaf , betxveen Prince William's and Crofs founds; during the Chatham s fc par ation from the Difcovery, - - - - - 216 2 (TTVPTER