Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 3.djvu/12

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CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. TranfacUuns in Ciofs fuiind— Proceed tu fea— Account oj a hord cxcurfion-- DcfcnpLion of poit Allhorp and CroJ jound—Aponomcal ivd naudcal obJ'ervLitions, ,.---- 238 C HAP i"!•: R X. Proceed In thefonihward alonj^ the cxierxor conjl of Kin^ George thc'rhnd' s archipelago— Amve in port Cvnclufion—TranfaUi'ins (hcre—'J-cn boat excur/ions — Complete the furvcy of the continental Jhorcs of Korth-Wefl America — AJronmnical and nautical ohfervatio)u, - '2.G I t BOOK THE SIXTH. I'aSSAOF. to IHK. .SOUTHWAKD ALONG THK WUSTKRN COAST OK AmKRICA; DOUBLE C A I'K HoRN; TOUCH AT St. Hei.ENA; ARRIVE IN England. CHAPTER I. Depart from port Conclnfon— Arrive at Nootka—Tranfa^lions there — Vifit MaquinrA at Tahfieis— Afronoimcal obfervations for correcting the furvey bctxocen cape Douglas and cape Dccifion, - _ 207 C H A P T E R II. Depart from Nodtka found— Violent Jlorm— Arrive at Monterrey — Receive on board the dejertcrs from the Chatham and Dadalus — Excurfion 'vito the comitry — Examine a very remarkable mountain — Ajhonomical and nautical obfervations, - - - . - tut C H A P T E R III. Leave Monterrey— Some account of 'he three Marias ijlands — Proceed to thefvuihuHird — Aflronomical and nautical ohjervalions, - o->n CHAPTER