Page:Wee wee songs for our little pets.djvu/181

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One pleasant morn, o'er hill and plain
  The sunbeams brightly fell,
And loudly o'er the steepled fane
  Rung out the Sabbath bell.

And they who loved the day of rest,
  Went forth with one accord,—
Each in the way he deemed the best,
  To wait upon the Lord.

But not with these, in lane or street.
  Was Henry seen that day;
He had not learned to turn his feet
  To wisdom's pleasant way.

But he God's holy day would take
  With wicked boys to rove
In search of walnut trees to shake
  Throughout the woody grove.

With basket o'er his shoulders thrown,
  His garments soiled and torn,
Young Henry sauntered from the town
  This pleasant Sabbath morn.

His widowed mother, sick and poor,
  Had taught him better things;