Page:Wee wee songs for our little pets.djvu/182

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And thus to see him leave her door,
  Her heart with sorrow wrings.

She tried God's holy Book to heed,
  As it before her lay;
But while she sought the words to read,
  Her thoughts were far away.

The sun his parting radiance shed,—
  Each hour increased her care,
When stranger steps with heavy tread
  Came up her narrow stair.

And in their arms her son they bore,
  Insensible and pale,
While many a stain of crimson gore
  Revealed the hapless tale.

He'd spent the day amid the wood
  In happiness and glee,
And, just at eve, triumphant stood
  Upon a lofty tree.

The bough, the very topmost bough,
  Beneath his weight gave way,
And on the rocks quite senseless now
  The wretched sufferer lay.

With mangled flesh, and laboring breath,
  And sadly fractured limb,