Page:Wee wifukie, or, This is no me (1).pdf/4

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The night was cauld and dingin' wat,
and wow but it was mirk,
The little doggie heard a foot,
an' it began to bark?
An' when the doggie barked,
she kent it was nae she
O weel kens my Dussukie
that this is no me. that this is, &

When Johnny heard his Bessy's foot
faft to the door he ran;
Cryin', come awa my Bessukie;
it's no me, goodman:
Be kindly to my bairns a',
an' weel may you be;
Fare ye weel, my Johnny, lad,
for this is no me for this is, &c

John ran to the Minister,
his hair stood on an end;
I hae gotten sic a fright, Sir,
I fear I ll never mend:
My wife's come home without a head,
cryin' out most bitterly,
Fare ye weel, my Johnny, lad,
for this is no me. for this is, &c.

The tale you tell seems wondrous strange,
seems wondrous strange to me,
To think a wife without a head
could either speak or see,
The things that happen here awa',

are wonderin' to me;