Page:Wee wifukie, or, This is no me (1).pdf/5

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I cou'd amaist wi' Bessy say.
'tis neither you nor she. 'tis no her, &c.

When Johnny he came hame again,
his heart was unco fain,
To fee his bonny Bessukie,
come to herself again,
Sittin' on a stooliken',
an' Tibbock on her knee;
Cryin', come awa' Johnny lad,
for this is ow me, quo' fhe,
for this is now me;
I've got a wee bit napokie,
and this now me

Then Johnny took her in his arms,
hi heart was unco glad,
To see his bonny Bessukie,
now a' right but the head:
Although you've lost your gowden locks.
your pouch and pursukie,
Come to your bed my Bessukie.
and happy we shall be. although, &c.


Of all the arts the De'il did shew,
His Master-piece I Pop'ry view;
For being himself with Heaven at odds,
He taught them first to eat their gods.
Which wicked false and cunning trick,
Was first invented by Old Nick.

They say the Pope can pardon sin,

If that be true we've need of him;