Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 5 (1925-05).djvu/142

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bent forward the hands hung on a level with the knees. While the crowd cowered in horror, the being stood gibbering and grimacing for a moment and suddenly plunged down among them.

There had been pandemonium, during which had been made frantic efforts to locate Losieva and Ember. But these two had deserted, leaving their victim despoiled of humanity. Worse still, the professor had left his rays going full blast and casting pictures unspeakable to the screen. Roger learned that at the moment the monster set upon his daughter the screen was lurid with a picture of a hulking, manlike brute overtaking and subduing a big she-ape. Of course he never saw the picture—mercifully no doubt—as he and four or five other men had their hands full with the ogre and Emily. It seems they tore the screeching girl away and got the beast pinioned to the floor finally, but only after the girl had sustained ugly tooth-marks on her throat.

Just then, as if to make a fitting climax, the place had caught fire. Norton thinks some of Ember's contraptions got overturned and caused the blaze. At any rate the whole room had become a roaring furnace in a twinkling—I remembered those flimsy cloth draperies—and the crowd had barely time to get outside. Good old Roger passed lightly by any mention of who rescued me, but I can easily guess why it was that at the moment I was seized and rushed out, the Frankenstein made its escape.

I agreed with Norton in the belief that the creature had perished in the flames, until in the afternoon I read the Clarion. That sheet held a hectic account of the séance, called upon all the powers of heaven and earth to search out and punish "those black mountebanks", contained a glowing eulogy of "our beloved asso-

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