Dodge L TOURING k CAR Write quick tor new proposition. We off.r $8.00 a day and a new Dodge tour¬ ing car, tor demonstrating and taking orders for Comer All-Weather Topcoats and Raincoats. Spare time. No experi¬ ence required. SAMPLE OUTFIT FREE. WRITE NOW. 0- . Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. L.-22. Dayton» O. PHOTOS OF BEAUTIFUL FRENCH GIRLS Poses by the most beautiful living girl models with wonderful astonishing forms. High grade postcards Imported from France. 10 for 11.00, postpaid, sealed. Order a set today. You'll be very pleased with them. Carr’s Novelty House. (WWT) Box 178, New Haven, Conn. Classified Advertisements Help Wanted THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS FILLED in 1925. Ambitious men—women, 18 up, $95- $250 month. Steady work. Sample training lessons and full particulars—FREE. Write im¬ mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. B156, Rochester, N. Y. Business Opportunities FREE BOOKLET, HOW TO BECOME Suc¬ cessful in Real Estate. Macdonald Co-operative Realty, San Diego, California. Voice Throwing VENTRILOQUISM EXPERTLY TAUGHT ANY- one at home. Terms reasonable. Information 2c stamp. Prof. Scott, 719 First St., New Orleans, Louisiana.
Girl Pictures STUNNING, BEWITCHING, OUT-OF-THE- ordinary pictures of girls. 10 for $1.00. Napoli Sales Co., 255 Greenwood Avenue, Blue Island, Illinois. ART OBJECTS, SPECIAL BOOKS, PICTURES, etc. Particulars free. Send no money. O. W. Miller, 125 AK Church Sit., New York. Personal MARRY! BIG DIRECTORY WITH DESCRIP- tlons and photos, mailed in plain wrapper for ten cents. Bonaflde Co., Dept. 73, Kansas City, Missouri. SWEETHEARTS CLUB. STAMPED ENVEL¬ OP© for proposal. The Lilly Club. Station H. Cleveland, Ohio. GET ACQUAINTED. EXCHANGE LETTERS. Write enclosing stamp. Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohio. "FIND YOUR SWEETHEART—There Is some¬ one for you somewhere. Introductions confi¬ dential, vast membership. Emma Franz, 949 Montana St., Chicago.” MARRY IF LONELY. JOIN "THE SUC- ceaaf y !.. Correspondence Club." . Reliable. D^- acfiptlona“free. Box 556/Oakland, Üâl/
ciate," and went on to recount his death:
The man who was supposed to have been burned to death was seen this morning by a party of school children. They described him as a monkey dressed in men's clothes but without shoes. He was first sighted when he darted out of the shrubbery on the Hallet estate near the East Fairbrook bridge. The children declare the animal 'swarmed' over the wall (Mr. Hallets' wall is 15 feet high at this point) and made for the bridge.
Here, instead of crossing as a man would do, he swung himself under the planking and, monkeylike, attempted to cross on the iron string pieces. Half-way across, where the current is swiftest, he somehow lost his foot-grip and fell fifty feet to the water. The body was recovered this noon at Douglass Mills.
I read the piece over again from end to end. Norton and the others had missed it, but could it be that the newspaper was blind, too? Yes; evidently it was I alone who had noted the most salient fact of the whole affair.
In all phases of his ego, Jack Hodge had met death through water!
Three Spectacular Serials
The Gargoyle
A Tale of Devil-Worship
By Greye La Spina
Black Medicine
Novelette of Haitian Voodoo
By Arthur J. Burks
The Devil-Ray
A Pseudo-Scientific Novel
By Joel Martin Nichols, Jr.