Page:Weird Tales volume 31 number 02.djvu/127

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Authors' Service

MANUSCRIPTS WANTED. Books, Stories, Plays and Articles for placement in U. S. and foreign countries. Motion picture rights placed. Circular T-238 describing UNIFIED SALES PLAN free on request. OTIS ADELBERT KLINE. Authors' and Publishers' Representative. 430 W. 34th St., New York City


THE MOON TERROR–A stupendous weird-scientific novel of Oriental Intrigue to gain control of the world! Cloth-bound with handsome colored jacket–50 cents postpaid. WEIRD TALES, 340 N. Michigan Ave, Chicago.

Business Opportunities

NEWSPAPER clippings pay. Write: Goodall Company. 742 Market St., San Francisco.

Indian Relics

INDIAN RELICS. Beadwork. Coins. Stamps. Minerals. Books. Old West Photos. Weapons. Curios. Temple Mound Birdpoint 15c. Knife, ancient. 15c. Catalogue 5c. Indian Museum, Northbranch, Kansas.


REV. MILLER, Doctor Divinity. Bowbells. No. Dak. 37 years mediumship, England, Australia. Six questions and reading. $1. Lessons four dollars monthly (degrees).

FEOPLE having lost hope or whose doctor has given up, who desire absent metaphysical help, write to: ABSENT METAPHYSICAL HELP. Box 420. San Diego, California.

MEN! Are you losing your pep? Try vitamin E "Wheat germ oil pearls." 30 days treatment $1.00. Write: James W. Rigsans Products, New Castle.

WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS "KWO"? The solution to this baffling mystery is thrillingly told in one of the most startling stories ever written–The Moon Terror, in book form. Price 50c. WEIRD TALES, 840 North Michigan, Chicago, Illinois.


NEWEST SENSATION–3938 Brain Teaser Book containing Popular Exciting Club and Parlor Games for families or parties; assorted; spicy–medium–polite. Ideal for Winter parties. Order yours now. Only 10 cents, postpaid. CANADIAN AMERICAN NOVELTIES, 122 Wellington St., W. Toronto, Canada.


Only one power on earth controls your destiny!
It is the strange force sleeping in your mind.
Awaken it! Command it to obey your wishes!
Push obstacles aside, attract opportunities, and
realise your fondest hopes and ideals.
This book explains how you may obtain an age-old,
secret method for applying the laws of mind influence
that will bring about those startling changes in your life.
Write for it. Address: Scribe E. Z. Z.
San José(AMORC)California

as all tales of Atlantis interest me. However, sir–permit me to correct you. On page 712 when David is accosted by the two Europeans, the German Leutnant should have asked 'Woher kommen Sie?' not 'Woher kommst du?' In speaking to a stranger, a German will always use the polite form 'Sie' unless that stranger be a child or one beneath the speaker. Ah!–a cat tale (no puns) Kara Kedi was a tense enough story–but the ending was somehow dull. However, I did like the author's description of Kara Kedi–its long legs and lithe body. I'm sure I would like him–just as I like all cats. HPL's short fantasies are so dream-like–rather sweet–rather puzzling. Polaris is a fine little one–much to my taste. Looking through comments from Eyrieites, I see where Pete Thompson of Seattle voices practically the same thots I do re Mr. Pryke's letter par excellence. I find mutual sentiments with G. W. Skora of Tucson–who is carried away into living the story–even as do I."

Finlay's Verse-illustrations

Manly Wade Wellman writes from New York City: "Let me get my two cents' worth over, in favor of Virgil Finlay's full-page verse-illustrations. This painstaking young artist is one of your notable discoveries. My limited art education gives me some appreciation of the tine and trouble he must consume in doing that stippling and crosshatching, and he has withal a mighty feeling for the macabre. Maybe I'm prejudiced toward the short-short form, but I pick Wandrei's Uneasy Lie the Drowned as the finest in the December issue. Incidentally, I am gratified at numerous appreciations in the Eyrie of my own efforts to be horrible in small compass."


Arthur L. Widner, Jr., writes from Bryantville, Massachusetts: "They say competition is the life of trade and it seems to be true also in the case of artists. The picture of the Donna Marchesi on the October cover is the best Brundage cover I have yet seen. In fact, I would say it was the best weird cover I have yet seen by anybody. I can just imagine Mrs. Brundage wielding a wicked crayon, and muttering to herself, "So that young whippersnapper, Virgil Finlay, thinks he can show me up! Hmmph–I'll show